Embarrassing Bodies
Together, Dr Christian Jessen, Dr Pixie McKenna and Dawn Harper they have been known to take their mobile clinic on the road to examine some of the country’s most embarrassing bodies;
the doctors leave their surgery and come out to find the patients that desperately need their help, setting up special clinics in different UK locations. The Embarrassing Bodies doctors have an innovative attempt to raise health awareness and de-stigmatise ‘embarrassing’ body parts and medical conditions.
Our clinics, specialist doctors and medical teams have been featured on Embarrassing Bodies on several episodes for treatment of
Acne and acne scarring
Thread and Varicose Veins
Varicose Vein removal on Embarrassing Bodies
April Nicklin suffered thread veins and varicose veins and was referred to Mr Constantinos Kyriakides at The Private Clinic for a series of Micro Sclerotherapy injections. This intricate technique clots off all the tiny thread veins which disappear. During the treatment Mr Kyriakides found an underlying issue in April’s left leg. He found that the main valve wasn’t functioning properly meaning that the blood was draining down the leg rather than flowing up which was the result of Aprils superficial thread veins. April underwent the EVLA treatment with Mr Kyriakides to close off the vein. The treatment was very successful and April thrilled with the result of her new legs.
Mr Kyriakides is a qualified Consultant Vascular surgeon and a fellow of Harvard Medical School. He is a consultant to Barts and The London NHS Trust running a busy practice in all aspects of vascular surgery. Mr Kyriakides has a particular interest in the field of minimally invasive vascular surgery which he practices at The Private Clinic in Harley Street as well as investigating the role of new technologies and techniques in the management of arterial and venous disease. Mr. Kyriakides has performed over 1500 EVLA to date. He is an expert in his field and Embarrassing Bodies is proud to have him on board.
Acne Scarring treatment on Embarrassing Bodies
In another episode Embarrassing Bodies tackled the issue of Acne and Acne scarring. The number of acne sufferers is astounding and often if not treated early can lead to pitted scarring. This was the case for Natalie Simonson. Natalie suffered acne from the age of 12 and as she got older, this worsened and spread to her back and bottom. Natalie had tried all types of medication and diet changes but nothing helped. Her social life suffered a lot as she felt deeply embarrassed and resorted to seek professional help. Dr Christian referred Natalie to The Private Clinic for acne scar treatment. After a number of treatments Natalie, for the first time, couldn’t wait until summer arrived to show off her back. The impact it’s had on her confidence post treatment is amazing.
Acne treatment featured on Channel 4 Embarrassing Bodies
Our Acne treatments since has featured on Embarrassing Bodies a further 2 times treating a male with body acne and female with facial acne. Our Acne treatment course was also used in these episodes.
See Embarrassing Bodies patients before and after photos here.