Hair Loss Medications
Common hair loss can be treated with preventative hair loss products.
Please see our frequently asked questions for Hair Loss Medications.
Frequently Asked Questions
The most important thing before looking into a cure is to find out the causes and stages of your hair thinning.
Each client is given a consultation at our Harley Street clinic, during which we will analyse the cause of your hair loss and advise as to the treatment options available for you.
Hair Loss in Men
About 25 per cent of men begin losing hair before they reach 30 and two thirds before the age of 60.
The most common cause of hair loss in men is genetic:
(1) Androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness) has a characteristic pattern; it begins with a slight recession at the front hairline and is followed by thinning on the crown of the head. The hair above the ears and at the nape of the neck is unaffected. Hair loss is related to three independent factors:
Genes: Baldness genes can be passed on by either parent. However having the gene does not necessarily mean you will go bald. For example, a man whose father is severely bald may only have minimal hair loss himself.
Hormones: The hormone directly involved in Alopecia is Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT decreases the length of the growing cycle so that with each new cycle the hair shaft becomes progressively smaller and weaker.
Age: Genes and hormones are not enough by themselves to cause baldness. Hair loss occurs when the susceptible follicles are exposed to DHT over a period of time. However the age at which this process starts differs from person to person.
(2) Alopecia Areata will affect 1% to 2% of the population at some point in their lives. Most sufferers are children and young adults (below 40 years of age) though it can affect people of all ages. The hair loss is sudden and manifests itself in small, smooth-skinned patches that are likely to gradually widen with time. It can also affect the sufferer’s nails, giving them a pitted, ridged or brittle appearance. The exact cause is still unknown although current theories include an auto-immune disease, stress or suggest a genetic basis. If the hair loss progresses until all the scalp hair is lost this is known as Alopecia Totalis or Alopecia Universalis if all the body hair is lost as well.
(3) Hair loss can also result from a scalp problem. Inflammation of the scalp leads to production of superoxide which causes hair shedding and will lead to diffuse hair loss.
These are just a few of the reasons for hair loss.
Hair Loss in Women
Female hair loss can be particularly traumatic and it is generally even harder for a woman to accept than it is for man. If the hair begins to fall out it can be more than just upsetting, it can be devastating, leading to a total loss of confidence and even depression. It’s no wonder that a high percentage of female hair loss sufferers have reported depression, breakdown of both relationships and careers due to the psychological distress caused by their condition.
A large percentage of female hair loss is caused by inherited genetic influence and an over production of the male hormone testosterone. Hormonal changes occur during and following childbirth, through use of the contraceptive pill, anaemia and the menopause. These are the most common causes of hair loss in woman:
Genetic hair loss
Polycystic ovary syndrome
Adrenal Tumour
Hair loss following pregnancy, miscarriage or abortion
The contraceptive pill
The Menopause
Hair Loss in Men
The good news is that most men who use prescription courses will experience hair loss stabilisation and varying degrees of hair re-growth in a reasonably short period of time.
Prescribed medications for male hair loss have two main purposes: a) to block the DHT hormone (the cause of male hair loss) from reaching and destroying vulnerable hair follicles, b) to stimulate and increase the blood circulation that is crucially needed to feed and nurture the existing hair follicles that are prone to the effects of male hair loss. Without good blood circulation the hair follicles will gradually shrink and die.
Find out more about Hair Loss Medication here.
Hair Loss in Women
Women genetically predisposed to hair loss have enzymes that turn the hormone ‘testosterone’ into another hormone derivative, ‘dihydrotestosterone’ (DHT). When DHT is formed, it attaches itself to the hair follicles on the top of the head, causing them to continually shrink with every growth cycle. This causes the hair to gradually become thinner until the follicles finally become dysfunctional and the hair no longer grows.
The first objective to prevent further hair loss is to block DHT from reaching the hair follicles, while the second is to ensure the hair follicles are receiving as much ‘hair-friendly’ blood as possible. There are 2 medically proven products, which are licensed by the UK medical regulatory body the MHRA, and approved by its US counterpart the FDA.
A hair transplant is something that many patients suffering from hair loss may consider at some point in their lives but they would worry about whether natural looking results can be achieved. We can all recall people in the public eye who have had a hair transplant with very poor results and most people are not aware of how much the technique and the doctor’s experience impact on the final outcome.
Until recently, hair transplant procedures have been difficult to carry out and have not always been successful. Older techniques can cause scarring in the donor area and may not produce the natural results that either the patient or surgeon would hope for. This is why it is essential for anybody considering a hair transplant to do a lot of research and choose an experienced hair transplant doctor.
There are mainly 2 different procedures available: the Strip Method – a more invasive treatment which may result in extensive scarring and requires a longer recovery – and a second far less invasive method called Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE. Our surgeons exclusively perform FUE, but they have perfected their techniques through years of experienced and developed an advanced form of FUE.
Advantages of FUE over Strip:
- Less invasive
- No linear scarring at the back so that you can wear short hair or shave
- A simpler, less painful and minimally invasive procedure
- Less downtime post treatment
- Better, more natural looking results
- More density – the survival rate of the follicle is higher in FUE than with the Strip Method
- Previous scars can be corrected
Our surgeons are FUE specialists and can also correct problems caused by previous treatments carried out by less experienced doctors.
Hair Loss Medication costs will vary depending on the type, brand, strength and quantity that you require.
We offer Minoxidil treatments, starting at £65