Female Hair Transplants and Hair Loss

1 in 4 women will experience hair thinning in their lifetime. Treatment needs to be targeted and completely individual to your specific diagnosis and scalp issues.

Please see our frequently asked questions for Hair Transplant for Women.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Female Hair Transplant treatment involve?

In order to explain the benefits of our treatment and what it involves, it helps to give you an idea of what is involved in the more invasive Strip technique.

The Strip technique involves removing a long band of skin from the back of the head with a scalpel, then dissecting the follicles under a microscope before placing them onto the bald or thinning area. This technique always leaves a scar, no matter how skilled the surgeon is, and can cause nerve damage and numbness of the scalp.

With FUE, a special punch less than 1 mm in diameter is used to remove the hair follicles directly from the scalp. There is no need for a scalpel, hence no stitching or scarring. We can safely extract up to 7000 hairs in one day whereas with previous generations of FUE it was only possible to safely extract 2500 hairs a day. Another advantage of FUE is that none of the follicular units are damaged during the extraction, whereas with the Strip method up to 30% of the donor follicles may be damaged by the use of a scalpel.

Do female hair transplants hurt?

Female Hair Transplants are performed under a local anaesthetic so you might feel a small prick initially whilst this is being administered. But, once it takes affect, you should not feel any pain for the rest of the hair transplant operation.

In the days following a hair transplant procedure you may feel a bit sore in the areas treated but this should only be temporary and you will be provided with medication to help you feel more comfortable.

How long does a Female Hair Transplant procedure take?

The length of the treatment depends on the number of hairs needed.

Most female hair transplant procedures usually take between 6 and 8 hours.

In larger cases, the procedure may be split across 2 days. In smaller cases, it will take less time.

You will be provided with an estimated time following your consultation.

How much does Female Hair Transplants cost?

Female Hair Transplant procedures will be different depending on each patients needs. It is important to understand that costing for a hair transplant is very individual and will depend on a number of factors which can only be assessed during a female hair transplant consultation.

On average we price by the number of hairs you will require and charge approximately £2.50 per hair for standard FUE Hair Transplant procedures.

We are not the cheapest nor the most expensive, but we believe to be amongst some of the best hair transplant clinics and surgeons in the UK.

We are also regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and have been established for over 40 years meaning you can be sure we will still be here – to help and advise – long after your surgery.

Find out more about Hair Transplant surgery costs here.

How soon will I see the results from Female Hair Transplant?

You will notice a difference immediately in that you will be able to see where the new hair follicles have been implanted.

The newly implanted hairs will start to grow, and shed.

Hair growth usually starts around 4 weeks, with the final results settling in at about 8-9 months.

We recommend that patients allow 12 months to see the full results from a Female Hair Transplant procedure.