Breast Reduction – Abigail
Unhappy with the size of her breasts, Abigail, 30 from Essex decided to go ahead with a breast reduction procedure at The Private Clinic. Abigail is currently a student and felt this was the ideal time for her to invest in herself and being off work allowed her plenty of time to recover.
Research was a huge part of Abigail’s decision-making process and so she has decided to share her Breast Reduction Journey story to share with anyone who may be considering breast reduction surgery too.
I started to develop very young, in primary school. Unfortunately, I had tried to wear training bras but some of the boys took the mickey out of me and from then I found it all very uncomfortable. It was made worse as by the time I was 13, my breast size was already overly large for my age. I can’t remember the exact size but by the time I was 16, I was wearing a 30G! Even before this, I started having issues with my back which caused me to have physiotherapy on and off for the next 15 years. It wasn’t a great experience being so young and having large breasts, everyone stared, and it was diminishing my confidence. By the time I was 30, I was wearing either a 26HH or a 28HH and wasn’t confident or comfortable in my own skin.
I was unhappy right from the offset, this was made worse by the pain I had with my large chest. I also couldn’t wear any of the clothes I wanted and had to size in some styles even though I am a petite size 6.
Breast Reduction on the NHS
When I was 16, I asked my mum about breast reduction surgery, and she said I was too young, and I should wait until I was older which is completely understandable. Also, I was still developing so even if I had the surgery at 18, I could still end up growing larger again. About 2 years before I met with my surgeon, I did attempt to go down the NHS route. With my old doctors, I was outright refused without any guidance. The next doctors did begin the process, but it involved having physiotherapy (for about the 5th time in my life) for at least 6 months before being referred. I went through this process and ended up seeing a musculoskeletal specialist who told me that my large breasts were causing my back problems, but I was too young, and my issues were not significant enough for the NHS to approve the surgery. Thankfully, by this point, I had already decided to go private.
Breast Reduction Research
I began researching the best surgeons in the field, looking up reviews on Realself, and following accounts on Instagram (both surgeons and people who have had the surgery). But I also had recommendations from people too. I spent a lot of time looking through before and after photos and would only consider surgeons where I could see their work online or through social media.
I had an initial consultation via zoom which answered some of my basic questions and helped me to understand what the process would be. I then had a face-to-face appointment about 2 months later. This was informative as I had a lot of questions by this point. All my queries were answered, and everything was made quite clear.
Preparing for Breast Reduction Surgery
I continued researching but focused on recovery stories and healing journeys to make sure I was as clued up as I could possibly be for the aftermath. I bought a v-pillow, button-up shirts and pyjamas as well as a couple of extra post-op bras. Although I ordered these after because I was unsure what size I would be!
Day of Breast Reduction Surgery
I was nervous on the day and couldn’t believe it was happening. In fact, even after 7 weeks, I still feel like it hasn’t happened, but I only need to look down and see that it is real! The nerves didn’t really settle, but the team at the clinic made me feel comfortable and eased any last-minute nerves I was having.
I was admitted at 9 am. I was the only patient that day, so that was a bonus for me, as I basically had all the attention of the nurses which is always good! By 9.30 am I was dressed in my hospital gown and compression socks and was waiting for my surgeon to come and measure me, which happened at about 10 am. I remember this because he kept telling me to breathe! I showed him some reference photos again and told him the size I would like to be roughly.
About 30 minutes later, I was being walked down to the theatre room. The nurse held my hand whilst they put me to sleep. Next thing I know I am waking up in recovery! I was absolutely thrilled with the results from the offset.
Breast Reduction Recovery
I am so blessed that my recovery has been so easygoing. I was a bit sick for the first week because of antibiotics but aside from that I was up and about the day after surgery. I did rest a lot, but I was also conscious I needed to be up and moving to keep my circulation going. I was given strong painkillers but only used these at night for two days then just used paracetamol. The pain was minimal and manageable.
I continued the tape as advised for 6 weeks post-surgery and have just recently started using Prosil and Bio-Oil on the scars. Again, this is on the advice of the team at The Private Clinic. They were happy with how I had healed so far, and I am also happy with the progress at this stage.
Support from friends/family
My family and friends have been incredibly supportive of the process. My partner has been fantastic. Even though he thought I was perfect as I was, he was 100% behind the surgery because he wanted me to be pain-free and wear whatever I wanted! He looked after me following the surgery and provided so much support in the weeks leading up to it when I was feeling anxious.
Breast Reduction Results
It is early days, but I already feel more confident in my own skin. A weight has literally been lifted off my shoulders and I can’t wait to live the rest of my life knowing I’ll be pain-free and have the freedom to wear whatever I want.
I am so pleased with my results so far. The size is in proportion to my body now which is amazing. I’m very happy with the shape and can’t wait for them to settle more over the next year. The only thing I have noticed is one is healing quicker than the other but that’s to be expected, they are, after all, two different parts that have been worked on! I’m also so happy because I finally feel comfortable in my own body.
Breast Reduction Top Tips
Take it easy and follow your surgeon’s advice! Do lots of research and follow as many accounts as you can. Remember that everyone heals differently as well.
What would you say to anyone considering this procedure?
Do it, it is the best decision I have ever made. Is it nerve-wracking having surgery? Yes, but the results for me personally have been so worth it.
I was treated so well; everyone is so lovely and considerate and completely understanding of your situation. They are available whenever you need something and are always happy to help.
How would you sum up your surgical experience at The Private Clinic?
Overall, my surgical experience has been smooth sailing. From the consultation to the aftercare, it has been a great and easy journey. The team work so well together, and this really shows in the service they provide.
Find out more
Abigail has also been sharing her Breast Surgery journey on Instagram. You can follow her here: