FUE Hair Transplant – Doug

Douglas is a boxing MC from Glasgow and travelled down to our Birmingham clinic from Glasgow to have a FUE Hair Transplant with Dr Michail Mouzakis.

Doug originally started to notice his hairline receding in his late twenties and working as a boxing MC found himself in the spotlight quite often and started to feel a little self-conscious and more aware of his hair loss. It wasn’t until more recently however, now aged 35 that he started to realistically consider a Hair Transplant.

“I had been considering a Hair Transplant for about a year. I researched everything, read every word ever written on FUE’s, I read the forums, watched the videos, read the reviews, considered going abroad and even had two consultations with two different clinics before travelling down to Birmingham to meet Dr Mouzakis at The Private Clinic.”

Doug had already done a vast amount of research on different Hair Transplant techniques, surgeons, results, complications and risks meaning he already felt well informed. He had also already attended previous consultations so felt he was clued up on what was and wasn’t possible and knew what to expect from a Hair Transplant consultation.

“I asked Dr Mouzakis some questions really to test his response… He answered everything exactly the way I hoped he would, was very honest about where my expectations should be and there were no false promises.”

“I also asked him some questions on cost and his response was perfect “I’m sorry Douglas, any cost questions you will have to take up with the office staff, to me you are a patient…not a client“. Decision made…we’ve found our man.”

Despite the distance he faced travelling from Glasgow to Birmingham and back for the procedure he decided that Dr Mouzakis was the surgeon for him and was willing to make the over three hundred mile journey knowing he was seeing someone he felt comfortable with.

“I live in Glasgow so the five hour drive was no easier than flying to Turkey for example but when undergoing a procedure to alter your appearance, there has to be more to the decision making process than simply cost.”

The FUE Hair Transplant procedure took place at The Private Clinic in Birmingham. Doug arrived feeling a little nervous as  expected but soon relaxed once he met with Dr Mouzakis again and went over any last questions and queries before starting the procedure.

Dr Mouzakis took great care to ensure that Doug achieved a natural hairline that matched his age as this often what causes Hair Transplants to look fake and unnatural which Doug definitely didn’t want.

“I can’t believe that I went into the clinic with a hairline that I hated and then walking out later in the afternoon with a hairline that is going to last, stay with me and it is exactly what I wanted.”

“Dr Mouzakis’s advice on my new hairline was superb and I’m already so pleased with the result. It looks very natural and as my wife said, it looks ‘age appropriate’”

Now a year on from his procedure Doug is sporting a new hairline and a new haircut too!

“I’ve now got long hair that I can actually style in different ways. For years I just had a number one cut all over because I was sick of the fact that my hairline was receding so I just went for a number one all over so having the freedom now to style it in quite different ways and try things out – I am just so pleased with the results”

To see Doug’s previous video diaries click here.

“I can honestly say to anyone who is thinking about having a hair transplant that I actually spent too long thinking about it and now if I could go back in time I wish I had just done it immediately so I could have been enjoying this hair line a bit earlier!”

Book your consultation today.

* All of our patient stories are based on the personal experiences of our patients and represent individual body shapes and results. Please bear in mind that result s may vary from person to person. All testimonies are provided voluntarily by our patients and clients. Their comments have not been altered in any way, and their experiences are their own.