news has your husband done a rooney the private clinic

Has your husband done a Rooney?


Mail Online

  • 10% of patients now having treatment without admitting it to anyone


  • ‘Secret’ treatment harvests hair without cutting it and implants the follicles without shaving the area first


  • It is the first ever ‘undetectable’ hair transplant technique available

Having a fresh new head of glossy and healthy hair following a hair transplant isn’t something you can usually keep quiet about – just ask Wayne Rooney.

However, one clinic has launched a new undetectable hair transplant procedure and has reported an increase in the number of patients keen to keep their implants under wraps.

Some, they say, are even hiding it from their nearest and dearest.

Hair transplant specialists offers the ‘undetectable’ U-FUE hair transplant technique, says that the vast majority of her patients like to keep their procedure as quiet as possible – and as many as one in 10 even hide it from their wives.

‘Very few doctors worldwide are able to perform the unshaven FUE procedure because of the levels of skill involved, and I have patients travelling to London from all over the world specifically to receive this form of undetectable hair transplant which is easier for them to keep quiet about.’

She explains that the single hair follicles are extracted with the hair still at its normal length, but then are cut and implanted as just the root.

‘Therefore, when a patient leaves the clinic, their hair looks the same as when they entered, apart from some initial redness, which patients can cover up or disguise with their existing hair until it subsides over the next few days,’ she adds.

The growth of the newly transplanted hair will then occur slowly and naturally over the coming 12 months and because the change is gradual, the clinic claim that few people notice the difference at first.

Dr adds: ‘Most of the patients who tell me they aren’t telling their wives about treatment are travelling to London from overseas.

‘They will typically fit treatment in and around a business trip, and when they return home a week or so later there is no evidence of a procedure having taken place.

‘I had one patient recently who flew into London for treatment and then returned to Egypt to rejoin his wife and five children, none of whom knew that he had had a hair transplant whilst in the UK.’

She  added: ‘Of course most patients I see do tell their partners about treatment, but not necessarily anyone else. I have seen a number of high profile and VIP patients in recent months who have managed to have a hair transplant without arousing any suspicion or speculation.’


*All images, videos and testimonials are based on the personal experiences of our patients and represent individual body shapes and results. Results may vary from person to person. All testimonials are provided voluntarily by our patients and clients and all photos and videos have been consented to and have not been altered in any way.