news dad treats his son to a hair transplans for his 30th birthday the private clinic

Dad treats his son to a hair transplant for his 30th birthday


The Mirror

Tom, like many men, puts his hair loss down to genetics – something which is known to be one of the biggest causes of baldness.

He said: “I come from a family of bald men.”

On his 30th birthday, Tom’s dad surprised him with the best possible birthday present – a hair transplant procedure, to help him to re-gain the confidence he had lost as a result of his balding head.

Tom’s dad took him along to meet Dr Hair Transplant Surgeon, at The Private Clinic of Harley Street.

She discussed with Tom just how big a part genetics can play in hair loss, she said: “There are many reasons for hair loss but it is certainly true to say that genetics can be a key contributor in some cases.

“Men and women can inherit genes from both the maternal or paternal side, which can leave them predisposed to hair loss. A huge number of patients that I see come to me and explain that their parents and grandparents also suffered with hair loss”.

After a thorough consultation process, Dr recommended Tom underwent a hair transplant procedure known as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).

he said: “The FUE procedure is delivered under local anaesthetic, while the patient is awake.” she said. “It is a very precise, advanced technique, which involves removing tiny, individual hairs from the patient’s head and implanting these into the areas where the hair is thinning or receding.

“The skillset and expertise of the doctor performing this procedure can be pivotal to the overall outcome for the patient. To achieve optimum results, the surgeon needs to ensure that the hair not only regrows but that it regrows in a very natural way.

“The technique is the most advanced form of hair transplant, enabling the patient to leave the clinic on the same day as their treatment. This makes it the preferred option for busy working men and women who perhaps cannot afford to spend weeks away from their jobs while they recover from surgery.”


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