news nips and tatts the new surgical procedures cutting through the capital the private clinic

Nips and tatts: the new surgical procedures cutting through the capital


Evening Standard Magazine


Blame it on the vajazzle, I say. Once a  woman has decided that it’s not just OK but de rigueur to depilate and adorn her private parts with stick-on bling… well, why wouldn’t she then turn her attention to her nipples and decide to have them tattooed one shade darker than nature intended?


And while she’s at it, what about an eyebrow transplant to make her look more like Cara ‘model of the moment’ Delevingne? Or body-sculpting, to give her the supermodel’s covetable thigh gap? Or a fat transfer, sucking the stuff out of a well-stocked thigh to plump up scrawny hands and sagging breasts? Then there’s always labiaplasty, which — oh dear, let’s come to that later. While the recent Keogh report has made many timely and sensible recommendations for regulating unpoliced parts of the cosmetic surgery world, the rising popularity of these esoteric new procedures makes it sound as if British women have gone completely mad. Whatever happened to the staples of cosmetic surgery: the boob jobs, liposuction and nose-fixing?


Eyebrow transplants, £4,000

What Popping live hair follicles, harvested from a bit on the back of your head that won’t show, into empty follicles among your eyebrows to thicken them up. Done under local anaesthetic, it is a painstaking, slow process, so choose an expert.

Who Dr Raghu Reddy, who has a real knack for this tricky work


*All images, videos and testimonials are based on the personal experiences of our patients and represent individual body shapes and results. Results may vary from person to person. All testimonials are provided voluntarily by our patients and clients and all photos and videos have been consented to and have not been altered in any way.