The Affleck Effect!
Mail Online
- Men inspired by David Beckham who constantly changes his facial hair
- 45% of men can’t grow a full beard or sideburns
- 59% of men say a beard makes them feel more macho
- Yet 67% of women would rather their men were clean-shaven
- Beard transplants cost up to £4,000
While beards have never been more fashionable, a new survey reveals that almost half of men cannot even grow a proper one.
As many as 45 per cent of men complain that they have bald patches in their beard or sideburns and as a result, men are increasingly getting their beards and sideburns bolstered with hair transplants.
These men are splashing out £4,000 on beard and sideburn transplants to copy the more hirsute look favoured by stars like Hugh Jackman, Ben Affleck and David Beckham.
According to the International Society of Hair Restoration, more than 4,500 facial hair transplants were carried out in the UK last year – that’s more than three times as popular as nose jobs.
But how does it work?
Hair is taken from the back of the scalp in a strip and transplanted into the bald patches of the beard or the sideburn.
Dr Raghu Reddy, Hair Transplant Surgeon at The Private Clinic, added: ‘Facial hair transplants are continuing to grow in popularity, particularly as we see beards coming back into fashion.
‘Men who choose to undergo facial hair transplants are often cash rich, time poor, working men who want to look their best and are looking for effective, long lasting results.
‘A facial hair transplant is a good option for men who do have facial hair but would like it to be thicker or fuller or to achieve a desirable shape of beard.
‘We expect the demand to grow as it is a walk in walk out procedure with minimal downtime.’
The poll also revealed that 59 per cent of men said that a beard made them feel more macho.
While a beard can boost a man’s self-esteem, it does very little for his sex appeal, according to women.
Two-thirds of women said they preferred the clean-shaven look to a beard.