What happens during a hair transplant?
Getting older can be hard – you might want to maintain your youthful looks but your body isn’t playing ball. Although we should all be proud of how we look, something like losing your hair can really impact your confidence so increasingly, people are turning to hair transplants.
Doug McAdam, 36, began losing his hair in his late twenties and be became really self-conscious of his appearance. He explains: ‘I absolutely hated my hairline. Whenever I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror it was the only thing that I could see, and I could tell that my hair loss was getting worse as time went on.’ As he worked as a boxing MC and announcer, he often appeared in photographs or TV footage. After looking back on fights, Doug realised how bad his hair loss was.
He adds: ‘In this age of social media, as soon as a fight passes there are literally thousands of photos of me online. Whenever I saw the photos all I could think about was how my hairline looked under the studio lights.’ He decided to have a FUE hair transplant with surgeon Dr Mouzakis at The Private Clinic in 2016, which has really helped him feel better about how he looks. He said ‘I’m absolutely over the moon with the results. It looks very natural and, as my wife says, it’s ‘age appropriate.’ ‘After years of keeping my hair really short because of how much I hated my hairline, I’ve now been able to grow it longer and I can style it however I want. But more importantly, the transplant has given me back my confidence and now I can do the job I love without feeling self-conscious. I couldn’t be happier.’
Read more about Doug’s patient story and view his video diary.
Our highly experienced hair transplant surgeons – Dr. Raghu Reddy and Dr Luca De Fazio in London Harley Street, Dr. Mark Tam in Leeds and Bristol, Dr. Michail Mouzakis in Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Bristol and Northampton and Mr Doraisami Mohan in Manchester, Birmingham and Leeds offer the most advanced, minimally invasive Hair Transplant techniques available today.