news women go under the knife for bushier brows the private clinic

Women go under the knife for bushier brows


Mail Online

Once the preserve of WAGs and reality TV stars, the ‘Scouse brow’ spread like wildfire after the Duchess of Cambridge modelled the darker, bushier style… and fashion-conscious women everywhere put down their tweezers.

But for many, leaving things to nature didn’t offer a quick enough fix.

After years of over-plucking, women are  now going to desperate lengths to bring back their eyebrows.

Plastic surgeons report a surge in the numbers requesting transplants to thicken out their sparse, pencilled-in brows.

The British Association of Plastic Surgeons said transplanting hairs from the head to the eyebrows is increasingly popular.

The procedure, which costs around £3,000 per side and can take four hours, involves implanting up to 200 individual hair follicles under local anaesthetic.

Dr Raghu Reddy, a hair restoration expert, said: ‘We have witnessed interest grow since around the time of the Royal Wedding. Now we have a healthy stream of women who come in. There is also greater awareness now.

‘While I do have patients who have over-plucked, I also have women who come in with perfectly normal eyebrows who are looking for a thicker, fuller brow to rival the likes of Kate Middleton.’


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