The Private Clinic – In the Spotlight
In The Spotlight – The Private Clinic
Keeping up appearances in the workplace is now evermore important for the male gender. More men than ever-40% increase in last ten years, are opting for both invasive and non-invasive surgery looking to combat the inevitable signs of ageing. We were invited along to the latest addition to The Private Clinics surgeries in London’s Cheapside to sample a couple of treatments.
For over 25 years The Private Clinic has been pioneering cosmetic procedures and treatments. The clinics specialise in non-invasive and minimally invasive treatments, in other words walk-in-walk out procedures that can be carried out in one day, don’t involve a general anaesthetic and need little or no recovery down time.
On offer are many treatments for both male and female, Anti-ageing i.e., Botox, fillers, peels and laser resurfacing, Medical conditions i.e., treatment for scars, rosacea, varicose veins and Body contouring i.e., fat removal, and many more.
My initial appointment was a consultation with Lisa the clinic manager to best see what options were available and beneficial to me. Any nerves that I had were allayed by Lisa’s warm, caring and professional manner which put me at ease immediately. Lisa suggested that a few small spider veins on the side of my nose could be easily removed with a quick and non-invasive treatment and also that after many years of sun exposure and damage to my face, a treatment of photo rejuvenation would be beneficial. A non painful skin patch test was taken and an appointment made for a week later for the treatments to be carried out.
The ‘Spider Vein’ removal or ‘Veins Cutera’ as they are also known are removed by a small laser namely the Cutera Coolglide. The laser removes the unsightly little blighters by penetrating the skin and being absorbed by the haemoglobin in the blood. This produces heat energy which destroys the blood vessel (vein). A cooling gel was applied to the nose and the small pin-prick like laser worked the length of my veins, 1-2cms. The treatment was fast, painless and effective with immediate results. I was amazed at how swift and trouble free the treatment was. Lisa was very honest throughout and mentioned that spider veins can sometimes reappear and therefore top up treatments may be needed in years to come.
My next treatment was to be Photo rejuvenation. This is also a non-invasive, low risk Intensive Pulsed Light treatment (IPL), and can dramatically improve visible signs of ageing and skin pigmentation caused by sun damage and rosacea. IPL reduces large pores and revitalises a dull complexion, producing smoother even-toned, more youthful looking skin.
IPL supplies a broad spectrum of light which reaches close to the collagen level of the skin, smoother skin and boosted collagen levels can be expected which obviously enhance the skin’s appearance making it appear rejuvenated and younger looking. Most people are recommended to have between three to five treatments for maximum effect, this obviously depends on the initial condition of the skin. I was advised that sometimes reddening of the skin or slight crusting/peeling of the skin area treated may occur.
So with all the information stored I was ready for the first treatment. My face was cleansed and a cooling gel applied to the whole facial area to be treated, hair and eyes covered, let it begin. A scanner like object which I likened to a scanner used in supermarkets, was placed lightly on the skin and the IPL zapped onto the skin. A warm tingling sensation and a flash of bright light was seen/felt. My whole face was treated and the course took around 30 minutes. After the treatment my face felt slightly warm and tingled somewhat and was cooled down with cold towels. After around 15 minutes all was fine and treatment number one all finished. Two to three days later my face did crust slightly but this certainly wasn’t noticeable.
The treatments are carried out at three to four week intervals, and because of the already improved condition of my skin after one treatment I was actually looking forward to treatment number two. Exactly the same process followed as before and a few days after my second treatment my skin has noticeably improved.
My skin is clear, bright and has a firm, smoother texture, the results are visible for all to see. According to a number of my friends I look 7-8 years younger than my age. I for one will certainly become a regular at The Private Clinic for my annual top up of Photo rejuvenation.
Having seen the damaged caused to my face from sun damage, as I promised Lisa, I will always have my factor 50 to hand to protect my delicate new facial tissue and drink two litres of water every day-honest Lisa………
My treatments were carried out at The Private Clinic, 107 Cheapside, London there are two other clinics in London with numerous other clinics throughout the UK. For more info contact www.theprivateclinic.co.uk
Source: Sartorialmale.com – 7th July 2011