news as bikini season looms all over lipo is up by a fifth as women rush to achieve toned curvy bikini body like kim kardashian the private clinic

As bikini season looms all-over lipo is up by a fifth as women rush to achieve toned, curvy bikini body like Kim Kardashian


Mail Online


  • Firms see 21% rise in female VASER liposuction patients
  • Some 73% of women now opt to target multiple areas of bodies
  • Looking good in a bikini is at the top of women’s priority list
  • Kyla Lynn-Evans is size 14 and opted to target her stomach, hips, inner, front and outer thighs, and her chin

From images of Kim Kardashian’s bikini-clad body on the beach, to the regular full body celebrity ‘selfies’ that fill our Twitter timelines, there’s just no escaping images of toned women wearing next to nothing.

And as we approach bikini season, it seems that these images are doing more than simply turning women in the UK green with envy.

More and more people are opting to invest in body-sculpting cosmetic procedures to help them achieve the ultimate toned figure in the lead-up to summer.

According to one cosmetic surgery group, demand for body shaping procedures is on the up.

The Private Clinic of Harley Street has witnessed a 21 per cent increase, year on year, in the number of women opting to undergo VASER liposuction, a minimally invasive procedure which gently sculpts areas of the body.

But rather than pinpointing one ‘problem area’ to target, more of us are opting to target multiple areas of our bodies in order to achieve an all over sculpted figure ready for when we need to pull out the bikini.

Dr Edwin Anthony, Cosmetic Doctor at The Private Clinic, said: ‘Many female patients I see explain that, for them, the ultimate goal is to look good and feel confident in a bikini. Patients are often influenced by photographs of female celebrities looking toned and in shape in swimwear, but I think the change has also been triggered by a gradual change in attitudes amongst women. 

‘In particular, the notion of one “problem area” on the body is slowly disappearing and instead women are working harder to achieve the overall body size and shape they desire by combining a body sculpting procedure such as VASER with an active exercise regime and a healthy, nutritious diet.’

Of all female patients who underwent the treatment, almost three quarters of them (73 per cent) decided to target two or more areas of their body, as opposed to targeting just one problem area.

Dr Anthony believes these figures are particularly important: ‘The fact that only around a quarter of female patients pinpoint one area that they would like to sculpt tells us that the objectives of women in terms of their body shape is perhaps changing slightly.

‘Years ago it was very common for women to come to me looking to remove fat from their thighs, for example, or to sculpt and shape their flanks alone.

Now, however, this approach has become less common and we are witnessing the prevalence of a more holistic approach. This is also, I believe, a result of advances in technology that have led to quicker recovery times and a faster return to work for patients.

‘More and more female patients today understand that a cosmetic procedure which sculpts multiple areas of the body can help them towards achieving the body shape and size they desire, but that this is only the case if they combine such a procedure with a healthy diet and a positive exercise regime.

‘The majority of patients now understand that cosmetic surgery is not a quick fix but is something which, when delivered hand in hand with an overall healthy lifestyle, can help them towards achieving their goals. This more holistic approach to shaping up is a trend I expect to see continue.’

One patient who has undergone the treatment is 27-year-old Kyla Lynn-Evans.

Kyla, from London is size 14 and opted to target her stomach, hips, inner, front and outer thighs, her saddle bags and her chin.

‘I have always had an hour glass figure,’ she said. ‘I have a small waist, curvy hips, and quite large thighs. I eat well, I go to the gym regularly and I don’t mind having a curvy figure, but I have always wished that my body was more toned and sculpted. There were always areas, like my hips and my inner thighs, which I just wished I could tone up.

‘I decided to undergo this, not as a quick fix solution, but as a means of targeting the stubborn areas of fat on my body. I felt the procedure would help give me the motivation I needed, moving forward, to keep my body in the shape I wanted it to be.

‘Now, after the procedure, I still have a really curvy figure but I feel my body looks more sculpted and I have better definition. I feel more confident in a bikini and generally just a lot more positive about my body shape.’

*All images, videos and testimonials are based on the personal experiences of our patients and represent individual body shapes and results. Results may vary from person to person. All testimonials are provided voluntarily by our patients and clients and all photos and videos have been consented to and have not been altered in any way.