Body Confidence – Banish, Disguise and Exercise those wobbly bits!
Fighting Fifty
Body Confidence – Banish, Disguise and excercise those wobbly bits!
Whether you want to banish the bulge, exercise the arms or disguise those areas you would rather people didn’t see, we have the solution.
Banish: Cosmetic Doctor – Dr Dennis Wolf from The Private Clinic
Banish: ‘Stretch marks and cellulite can make women more conscious about their thighs but thanks to high tech treatments they can be tackled permanently. Carboxytherapy uses carbon dioxide to ‘trick’ the body into improving the blood circulation which improves both cellulite and scars. Velashape also tackles cellulite, it combines combines radio frequency, infra-red, vacuum and mechanical massage and has a firming effect as well.Vaser for bulk reduction and contouring.
Small Breasts
Banish: ‘We can now enhance breast shape and size without resorting to implant surgery by using a technique known as fat transfer. It’s a two-in-one treatment that removes unwanted fat from one area of the body and, after it’s carefully processed, it is re-injected into the breast area to increase fullness and improve the shape. It’s a walk-in/walk-out day case procedure and is becoming a very popular choice for anyone who wants a more fullness, volume which still retains a natural look and feel.’
Banish: ‘A lot of women find it hard to shift the ‘spare tyre’ around the waist, hormones mean that this area is prone to fat deposits. We can remove fat using Vaser lipo techniques and then if there is lax skin, a tightening radio frequency treatment such as Thermage CPT would result in a taut, flat tummy. Lots of women report that having a treatment like this is the trigger for a healthier lifestyle and a real confidence booster.’
Banish: ‘Fat pockets on the hips often remain, even with a strict exercise routine. Vaser or microcanula liposuction can quickly slim down this area. Vaser is less invasive, tightens the skin more than traditional liposuction and requires little time away from work.’
Banish: ‘Varicose veins spoil even shapely legs. Caused by weak vein valves, varicose veins can be uncomfortable but a new treatment – Endovenous Laser Ablation is a minimally invasive varicose vein treatment that is worth researching. It’s performed with a local anesthetic so is faster and easier than traditional vein surgery.’
Upper Arms
Banish: ‘As we age, skin tone in this area can become lax and saggy, Thermage CPT can help tighten this up and if there is excess fat in this area, Vaser would be the gold standard treatment to get a fast result. Remember that you need to wear a compression garment for a few weeks after treatment but there is very little down-time and patients can return to work after a day’s rest and recuperation.’
Banish: ‘Bottoms are back in fashion, thanks to J-lo and Kim Kardashian. Think about shape, not size, and shape perfecting treatments include using Macrolane or Fat Transfer to enhance the area and balancing that out by shaping the lower back with Vaser.’