news 2012 top celebrity cosmetic procedures hair transplants and vaser liposuction the private clinic 1

Celebrity Cosmetic beauty trends of 2012


Female First

2012 proved a popular year for celebrity cosmetic beauty procedures. We’ve seen everything from breast enhancements and ‘butt jobs’ to eyelash extensions, lip enhancements and whiter-than-white teeth treatments.

So as we wave goodbye to 2012, we take a brief look back at some of the most popular celebrity beauty and cosmetic trends from the past twelve months:
The hair transplant: After Wayne Rooney made headlines by admitting to investing in a more enviable hairline, male celebrities of all ages have announced their commitment to the transplant trend. From Calum Best in his thirties to Louis Walsh in his sixties, more and more of the UK’s most high profile men are investing in hair transplant procedures to counteract balding and receding hair lines. The most popular treatment? FUE or ‘Follicular Unit Extraction’, a procedure which Dr Raghu Reddy, hair restoration expert at The Private Clinic of Harley Street, says he is delivering to more and more men as time goes on: “The procedure involves taking hairs individually from an area where hair is plentiful and implanting them into the areas where the hair has thinned or been lost. The treatment is popular amongst busy, working men because it is minimally invasive and does not require down time. It also offers the most natural, effective results of all hair restoration treatments.”

VASER Lipo: The perfect alternative to traditional lipo for the busy celebrity who is never far from the lens of the paparazzi, this treatment has proved popular amongst celebs because it doesn’t eat into a busy schedule and doesn’t leave behind ugly scarring or bruising. The latest in a long line of celebs to undergo the procedure is TOWIE’s Maria Fowler, who publicly documented her journey from consultation through to enviable, size 8 figure.  Dr Mike Comins, who delivers VASER lipo at The Private Clinic on Harley Street, has witnessed more high profile business men and women seeking the treatment this year: “VASER is more suitable than traditional liposuction for a lot of people because it is less invasive and involves very little downtime, allowing the patient to get back to their day to day working routine almost immediately.”

*All images, videos and testimonials are based on the personal experiences of our patients and represent individual body shapes and results. Results may vary from person to person. All testimonials are provided voluntarily by our patients and clients and all photos and videos have been consented to and have not been altered in any way.