Could BRA STRAP LIPO banish your back fat?
Mail Online
We’re already worried about our flabby stomachs, our wobbly bottoms and our bingo wings. But there’s always room for one more thing to fret over…
The latest area women are concerned about is the upper torso – and one London clinic offers ‘bra strap liposuction’ which claims to banish back fat in just three hours.
Piqued interest from women hoping to simultaneously tone up arms, underarms and upper back areas all at the same time has led to the Private Clinic in Harley Street launching a new microliposuction procedure.
The procedure involves mapping out areas around the upper arms, underneath the arms and around the patient’s upper back where the bra straps sit, in order to pinpoint tiny pockets where unwanted fat is located.
These areas are then sculpted using Microcannula Tumescent Liposuction (Microlipo), delivered under local anaesthetic.
This process – which lasts between two and three hours and starts from £2,600 – involves a very diluted local anaesthesia being injected into targeted areas of fat, and then gently removing the fat using micro cannulas, 3mm in diameter.
The clinic treated twice the number of patients for Microliposuction procedures in 2012 as it did in 2010.
In this time, Dr Puneet Gupta, cosmetic doctor at the clinic, has seen a surge in numbers of women requesting more than one area to be treated, rather than women simply requesting their arms, back or flanks to be targeted.
By targeting multiple areas of the upper body at a time, the patient’s ‘problem areas’ are delicately shaped, reducing overhang and providing women with a more slim-line upper body shape.
The procedure is delivered by Dr Gupta, the only doctor in Europe trained in the Microcannula Tumescent Liposuction procure.
Dr Gupta said: ‘When a patient comes to me with a desire to target the upper body, it is important that I take a step back and focus not only on that one specific area, but on the surrounding areas as well. It is not enough to target solely the upper arms; instead I take into consideration how a patient’s body will appear when clothed and where the patient’s underwear will sit.
‘It is also important that I am able to achieve the desired result without the patient having to undergo a surgical procedure under general anaesthetic. Instead, Microliposuction to the bra strap area allows the patient to depart from treatment and return to their day to day routine almost immediately.