How soaring numbers of MEN are having their love handles liposuctioned away: Blokes now account for 40% of customers
Mail Online
Image conscious men are so desperate to get rid of their love handles that more and more are turning to liposuction.
A quarter of male patients target their love handles, making this the most popular part of the body to have treatment on.
VASER Liposuction uses ultrasound technology to breakdown fat cells which are then removed from the body though a suction tube.
Dr Dennis Wolf, cosmetic doctor at The Private Clinic on Harley Street who performs the procedure, says the changes are down to a growing desire among men to achieve a better body from head to toe.
He said: ‘Four or five years ago men were already showing an increased interest in body sculpting techniques, but these procedures were perhaps most commonly sought as a means of targeting the chest and abdominal areas.
‘At that time men prioritised achieving a toned upper torso and a visible six pack, as these were the areas they felt most self-conscious about.
‘Over time attitudes have changed and no longer are men satisfied with targeting these areas alone.’
He added: ‘The flanks are an area of the body that even the most active men often struggle to target.
‘The majority of patients I see are fit, healthy and take part in regular exercise, but they have quickly realised that regardless of their own commitment to toning up, the shape and size of their flanks remains the same.
‘This is where VASER comes in. The procedure is not designed to remove huge quantities of fat from an overweight patient, but it is most successfully delivered on an individual who is in relatively good shape, is maintaining an active lifestyle, but who needs a helping hand to target the most stubborn areas.’
Dr Wolf explained that he is seeing an increase in the number of men in their 50s and 60s who want treatment as men are now feeling under more pressure to look good in later life.