news love handle bingo wings and banana rolls how to blast your problem areas the private clinic

Love handle, bingo wings and banana rolls: How to blast your problem areas


Daily Star

If you want to zap your belly fat and banish your bingo wings but don’t know how – listen up!

Here Dr Dennis Wolf, Cosmetic Doctor at The Private Clinic of Harley Street, gives us the low down on how to zap the fat from our five biggest problem areas.


Certain areas of the body are predisposed to store fat and, for many women, the upper arms is one of these areas.

‘Bingo wings’ commonly develop in women with age, or through a lack of exercise.

As a result of this the skin loses its elasticity and fat starts to accumulate, creating that unwanted ‘saggy’ appearance.


Unfortunately this is one area of the body where fat is particularly difficult to target.

It can, however, be tackled through targeted exercise or via a cosmetic procedure such as Vaser liposuction, which can remove the small pockets of fat in the arm and shape around the muscle to create a more toned, defined appearance.


Many women suffer from what’s often termed ‘the banana roll’.

The Banana roll is the term used for the pocket of fat, located at the top of the thighs, just beneath the buttocks.

This is a very common location for fat to gather and often the heavier the bottom is, the larger the banana roll will become because of the weight above it.

Another common concern for women is the formation of cellulite on the buttocks and the top of the thighs.

Cellulite is caused by fat being trapped between the connective tissue, which links the muscles to the skin resulting in the loss of support structures.

This creates the dimpled appearance. Contrary to popular belief, being overweight does not necessarily increase the likelihood that you will suffer with cellulite.

Even women who have a lower body fat percentage, and exercise regularly, can have cellulite.


There are ways to reduce the appearance of cellulite, including quitting smoking, reducing your consumption of foods which are very high in salt (as this is an aggravating factor) and ensuring you include plenty of vitamin C in your diet, which boosts levels of collagen in the skin.

Combating the ‘banana roll’, on the other hand, can, again, be done through a gentle fat removal procedure. But women will also need to put in some hard work themselves.

By undertaking exercise which targets and tones the glutes, you can keep this area tight and prevent the bottom from drooping.


Men and women are programmed to store fat in different ways.

This is a legacy of our hunter gatherer days when women were responsible for looking after and feeding the children.

As a result of this role women had to ensure they were well-nourished so they could provide sustenance for their offspring whilst also surviving regular famine and extremely cold winters.

As a result of this women’s bodies naturally store fat on the belly, as well as the flanks and outer thighs.

Even though the way we now live our lives has changed dramatically the way our bodies function hasn’t yet evolved. This means that women are still prone to storing fat in these areas, but won’t necessarily shed it as easily as they once used to.

When men gain weight, it tends to go straight to their upper body, which is often the reason why they form a ‘beer belly’.

This visceral fat is unhealthy and very difficult to get rid of. Women, on the other hand, are programmed to store fat largely on the hips, bum and legs, it is also common for women to develop excess fat on their tummy.

This is predominantly caused by diet and lifestyle factors.


Reduce your consumption of foods which are high in saturated fat. Alcohol can also play a big part here, so try to reduce your alcohol intake and you may slowly see that belly disappear!

It’s also important to take on regular cardiovascular exercise that will bring your heart rate up, gradually burn off unwanted fat and keep your tummy toned.


One of the reasons that fat gathers on the flanks or ‘love handles’, as well as what we mentioned above, is that you might be consuming too much sugar.

A thick middle is often a sign that your body isn’t handling insulin very well, which often results in fatty deposits around the waist.


Significantly cutting down your sugar consumption could certainly have a positive impact on this area of the body.

Of course, eating less sugar goes hand in hand with a healthy diet, so try to make sure you make sure you’re eating the correct foods, as well as exercising regularly.

This will go a long way towards reducing those stubborn pockets of fat.


The dreaded double chin is something which plagues both men and women. This problem area is often a matter of genetics, as well as age.

Not only are you more likely to suffer with a double chin if you’re parents or grandparents did, but it’s also likely that, as you grow older, this area of concern will become more evident.

With age, your skin loosens and you lose muscle tone, which often causes this area of the body to droop or to appear ‘wobbly’.

Our neck muscles also tend to strand which can give us the “turkey neck” appearance.


While genetics may well play a part here, that’s not to say that lifestyle factors can’t also play a part in combating the problem.

Burning excess fat will have an impact on many different areas of the body and the double chin is one of those.

Losing one percent of body mass may not have a large impact on your tummy, but a massive effect on your chin.

Eating the right foods is also incredibly important; avoid processed foods that are high in sugar.

It may also be that a skin tightening treatment or a non-surgical facelift may be an option worth considering as you grow older, if this remains an area of real concern for you.

Dr Dennis Wolf is a Cosmetic Doctor and Joint Medical Director at The Private Clinic of Harley Street.


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