news why are men turning to liposuction the private clinic

Why are men turning to liposuction?


Figures released this week by the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) revealed that the number of surgical cosmetic procedures carried out on men rose by 16% in 2013, with liposuction the fastest-growing procedure. Last year, 558 men had the treatment, a rise of 28% on 2012. It is now the fourth most popular cosmetic surgical procedure in Britain, behind rhinoplasty (nose surgery), blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) and breast reduction.

Harley Street’s Private Clinic recently reported a staggering 150% rise in men booking in for VASER lipo, a form of minimally-invasive liposuction. Standing for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance, the procedure uses ultrasound technology to target fat cells, which are then removed via a suction process. The treatment is nothing particularly new, but what’s remarkable is just how many men have signed up for the treatment within the last month. When all else fails, it seems, men are reaching for their credit cards.

Dr Edwin Anthony, Cosmetic Doctor at The Private Clinic, says: “The increase in men having the procedure has been dramatic. I’d say I now treat just as many men as women.” With men’s health magazine covers bearing down at us from tpc_newsstands and billboards of David Beckham posturing in his pants, it’s little wonder that we’re feeling the pressure post-Christmas excess. “I think men are much more conscious of looking good, and I certainly think it gives a guy an edge in places like the workplace because it increases confidence,” says Dr Anthony.

There are two camps of men, he says, who opt for the treatment. The first want to banish excess fat, the latter aren’t technically “overweight” but want to highlight muscle definition by decreasing their body fat percentage. “It’s also a matter of convenience for a lot of men, in terms of time.”


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