Minimally Invasive Bunion Surgery – Teresa
I first noticed that I had bunions in 2017 but didn’t realise what they were at first. My mother has them, so I probably inherited them.
My bunions seemed to get larger, and I struggled with my balance and walking. Going through Menopause, I put on weight which made the bunions worse but being active was difficult as I was in pain.
They often became very painful and I had to keep removing my shoes.
I was not able to wear many of my shoes anymore and I found myself struggling to find footwear that fit me comfortably.
Considering Bunion Surgery
Whilst I was keen to get rid of my bunions, I decided against Bunion surgery on the NHS as it required you to be off your feet for a long time afterwards – I would have needed to take weeks off work. I was also concerned about the open surgery and what scarring it would entail.
When I read about the bunion surgery technique available at The Private Clinic, I was keen to find out more.
Bunion Consultation
My consultation with Mr Bianchi was very good, he explained the procedure and took x-rays at the same time so I could find out if I was suitable or not. I was given lots of information to consider but knew this was going to be the right option for me.
I had my right foot done first as this was the worst foot. Once recovered I then had my left foot treated. I am still in the process of recovery for this foot but I am overjoyed with the results.
Day of the procedure
I was very apprehensive on the day of my first bunion procedure, but The Private Clinic team put me at ease. I had my procedure at the London Fitzroy Hospital where I was well looked after.
I was able to walk out of the hospital after both procedures with no need for crutches. I decided to stay in London the day before and the night following my procedure before travelling home the following day.
I felt reassured that there was a number I could ring at any time should I have any concerns.
Once I got used to walking in the surgical boot, I was able to get around with ease and didn’t need to use crutches.
I had to avoid getting the dressing wet so I ordered a device to wear over the foot which made things a lot easier.
My partner helped me with tasks such as shopping for a week and after that, I felt comfortable enough to get back to normal.
I took a week off for the right foot but only 2 days for the left foot.
I work from home doing office/clerical and advisory work, so I did not need to go into the office.
Although I did visit our office on one occasion whilst wearing my surgical shoe travelling 4 hours on public transport. This was fine but tiring.
Back to wearing shoes
When I had my right foot done, I did have to wear the boot for longer, but I was able to remove the boot on my left foot after my first follow-up appointment.
I wore a wide-fitting trainer initially before then going back to most ordinary shoes. My swelling gradually reduced over 6 months.
I am now able to walk normally and can wear all types of shoes.
Final Results
I am really impressed with my results as my feet are so straight and pain free now. Whilst my left foot is still swollen as I only had this procedure recently, it is already looking great and I can’t wait for the final results.
My walking and balance have improved and I have been able to return to walking and ballet – my ballet teacher has certainly noticed the difference in my balance.
What advice would you give to those considering Bunion Surgery?
I would say to consider the long-term health benefits, if you are struggling now what will it be like in 20 years time…
I am only in my fifties and this procedure has given me more energy. I can now go on holiday and show off my feet in sandals.