news cosmetic surgery trends set to be big in 2017

Cosmetic surgery trends set to be big in 2017?


Express asked doctor-led clinic, Cosmedics, and multi-award-winning cosmetic surgery provider, The Private Clinic of Harley Street, what they predicted would be the most sought-after procedures for 2017.


The Private Clinic of Harley Street’s predictions range from “subtle” breast augmentation to leg shaping.

Subtle, natural breast augmentation

This year saw an increase in the number of requests received for smaller, low profile implants that create a far more natural and subtle enhancement. And with the likes of Taylor Swift fronting the ‘less augmented’ breast implant look this year, it is set to be a trend that sticks in 2017.


The rise in ‘selfie’ culture now means that people are now much more aware of how they look in photographs, with symmetry being an important factor when it comes to taking the perfect selfie.

In light of this, earFold – a minimally invasive treatment for the correction of prominent ears – will be hugely popular in 2017. Traditional ear pinning procedures (Otoplasty AKA pinnaplasty) required the surgeon to make an incision along the crease of the ear, sometimes removing excess cartilage. earFold however, allows men and women for the very first time to greatly improve the appearance of their ears without having to undergo a length surgical procedure. earFold requires only a small incision under local anaesthesia and a few small stitches that will dissolve over time. earFold implants are carefully positioned by the physician underneath the skin to fix unsymmetrical or prominent ears. The procedure takes approximately 20 minutes and requires minimal downtime.

Leg shaping 

Next year will be all about legs. Towards the end of 2016 we already saw the focus shift from bust to legs. Case in point – a recent Vogue article that claimed ‘the cleavage is over’, as women turn their backs on showing off their breasts, instead choosing to show flashes of the shoulder, stomach or leg.

A result of this will be that in 2017 more and more patients will be opting for cosmetic procedures to help create the perfect pins. We expect that requests for sculpting procedures such as Microlipo – to help create the illusion of longer leaner legs – will increase, in addition to an increase in  popularity of vein and cellulite removal treatments, Microliposuction (or ‘Microlipo’) is a minimal invasive body shaping procedure, which gently removes unwanted fat and sculpts specific areas of the body to provide better definition.

It is one of the most advanced body shaping treatments and is done under local anaesthetic, so the patient is awake at all times, but in no pain. They can also leave the clinic on the same day. The procedure gets its name from the tiny size of the cannulas used to extract the fat, the smallest of which is just 0.9mm wise and the largest of which is 3mm.

A rising number of women are having plastic surgery to make their nipples smaller, in search of the “perfect” nipple.