Rhinoplasty – Rachael

Rachel had felt unhappy about the appearance of her nose since she was a teenager. Not just a cosmetic concern, Rachael had been experiencing nasal deviation which was affecting her breathing. Once she finally decided to undergo Rhinoplasty surgery, she decided she wanted to share her experience.


I had always been self-conscious of my nose into my early teens, it wasn’t straight, it was crooked due to the septum being deviated so I had been unhappy with the appearance of my nose for quite a while.

I’d be very self-conscious in photos, if I could avoid being in a photo I would. I just always had a hang-up about my nose. I always felt people stared at it, even though that was probably not the case. It was my nose that I didn’t like when I looked in the mirror. It was just always there in my mind.

My nose also affected my breathing, it got worse over time to the point I was feeling like I couldn’t breathe very well on one side of my nose. It affected my sleep mainly.

Rhinoplasty Research

I knew a couple of people who’d had procedures (not on their faces) but asked around to get recommendations. I also knew of someone who had an operation with Mr Adel Fattah and they spoke so highly of him. I started to research Mr Fattah and found his RealSelf page online as well as his credentials. I also looked into the closest clinic to me which was The Private Clinic in Manchester. I decided to book a consultation there to help me understand the procedure and have my questions answered.

Alongside this, I followed a few Instagram accounts of people who had documented their journey for their nose job procedures. I would say to remember that everyone doesn’t have the exact same nose, so their surgery might differ from yours depending on what you have done but I found it useful to look at this content.  I also found reading the patient stories on The Private Clinic website helpful too which is why I decided to share my story.

Rhinoplasty Consultation

I knew from the moment I had my initial consultation with Mr Fattah that I was in very good hands. What immediately struck me about Mr Fattah was he was very personable & charismatic, he made me feel instantly at ease. He was very honest & very good at managing my expectations about options & outcomes as my case wasn’t a straightforward one. He was also very thorough, he went through everything in detail, the pros, risks, and how he’d perform the surgery and explained everything. No question was a silly question for him and he encouraged me to ask as many questions as I wanted and see him as many times as I needed before I made my decision.

I had spent many years wanting to have a Rhinoplasty, as I had a lot of fear about doing it because it was a big decision and the thought of the operation scared me a lot. Finding Mr Adel Fattah was a key factor in making my decision to have my procedure.

Rhinoplasty Procedure

I felt very prepared as Mr Fattah went into detail about what to expect & also what the surgical plan was. I was also always in touch with someone from The Private Clinic and they were great at answering any questions I had and provided a list of things to help me prepare ahead of the procedure.

On the day of surgery, I felt completely calm, which is unusual for me. I am an anxious person by nature but Mr Fattah made me feel completely ready and prepared and I trusted him & his surgical skills 100%. The team at the hospital were amazing they really made me feel at ease. At each part of the day I had nothing but the best care & the team was so attentive.

Rhinoplasty Recovery

I had some bruising which was expected but I did not feel that I was in much pain. The majority of the bruising was gone by the time I’d had my nose splint off and stitches out at 7 days post-op. It’s actually quite amazing how much you recover in only 7 days. I had 2 weeks off in total.

It was the operation and recovery that I had been most fearful about but I really had nothing to fear. If I had known this was how it was going to be in reality, I would have had my nose job years ago when I first started thinking about surgery!

Rhinoplasty Results

I still can’t believe it’s my nose! Most importantly I feel I can breathe! It was an amazing feeling. I don’t worry about how my nose looks anymore. I like what I see when I see my nose in the mirror now. I will also willingly be in photos now! Mr Fattah has done such a good job – he’s been amazing throughout & surpassed my expectations.

Rhinoplasty nose job nasal deviation before and after photos uk nasal deviation nose surgery female before and after photos nasal deviation Rhinoplasty nose job before and after results female side

Rhinoplasty Advice

During your consultation/s ask questions, no question is a silly question, understand the whole process of your procedure pre & post op. If you are not 100% sure or feel any doubt give yourself more time, have another consultation & ask more questions until you feel 100% sure.

My top tips for anyone recovering from a Rhinoplasty procedure is to have lots of rest, stay hydrated and find something good to watch on TV! I also recommend a V-shape pillow as you need to sleep almost upright after surgery which can feel odd especially if you are not a back sleeper.

You should also prepare in advance for the initial couple of days following surgery. Have food pre-prepared, medication ready etc so you can fully rest while you are in the first few days of recovery.

And finally, remember that when your splint is removed there might be still some swelling. Swelling does not always go down evenly as the nose fully heals, so don’t panic and trust the process.

How would you sum up your surgical experience at The Private Clinic?

My care was amazing at every stage from start to finish, everyone was so welcoming & attentive.

If I was considering any other surgical or non-surgical procedures I’d be 100% returning to The Private Clinic. They offer a 5-star service.