Thread Veins – Liz Earle

Liz Earle has been bothered by some troublesome veins on her legs for a number of years. She had previously tried sclerotherapy and various creams claiming to treat thread veins but had no success.

She decided to do something about it and visited The Private Clinic in London Harley Street for a consultation with Mr Dynesh Rittoo.

A consultation with any of our varicose vein surgeons includes a free ultrasound scan that provides our surgeons with a detailed look at the veins within your leg enabling them to accurately diagnose the source of the veins and recommend the most effective treatment.

Following her scan, Mr Rittoo confirmed that they were thread veins and recommended a course of 3 microsclerotherapy treatments.

spider vein treatment microsclerotherapy

“I had microsclerotherapy and am impressed by how effective (and painless!) this is at sealing spider veins so they truly disappear. You do have to wear glamorous compression stockings for five days though while the swellings go down but so worth it! Would I recommend? Yes – It definitely works, and Mr Rittoo is a top man in this field.”

thread vein treatment microsclerotherapy before after photo liz earle