Varicose Veins – Jo

Jo began to notice varicose veins on her legs following her second pregnancy. She began to hide her legs away by keeping them covered as she felt uncomfortable wearing anything where her legs could be seen.

“They were bulbous and unsightly and made me reluctant to wear shorts or swimwear around others.”

After 6 years of putting up with her varicose veins, the symptoms started to become more noticeable. Jo’s veins were itching, throbbing, and swelling and it was then that she decided that enough was enough and went on to pursue varicose vein treatment.

Jo firstly researched varicose vein treatments, knowing that treatment on the NHS was not going to be possible. She looked up the NICE guidelines for varicose vein treatment so when she visited clinics, she felt informed about the treatments that they may offer.

Varicose Vein Consultation

Visiting The Private Clinic in Leeds, Jo met with Dr Duncan Parry, a Consultant Vascular Surgeon with a specialist interest in varicose veins.

Dr Duncan Parry performed a duplex ultrasound scan on Jo’s legs and assessed her veins. He noted that her veins were more prominent on her right leg and advised radiofrequency ablation and phlebectomy treatment for this leg.

After a few days of consideration and further research into the treatments advised, Jo decided to go ahead and book her procedure date.

The varicose vein procedure

Jo’s RFA and Phlebectomy procedure was carried out in theatre at our Leeds vein clinic. Mr Duncan Parry performed the procedure which involves using radiofrequency thermal heat energy to cause damage to the walls of the varicose veins being treated. This causes the collagen within the vein wall to shrink and prevent blood from flowing through the vein. When the blood is blocked from flowing through the valve, it reroutes to healthier veins and the varicose vein is then sealed off. Within the next few weeks the vein will be gently broken down naturally by the body and reabsorbed.

A phlebectomy procedure was also carried out on the varicose veins which is particularly effective at treating larger bulging veins. A specialist phlebectomy hook is inserted into the leg via micro incisions, the hook then removes the veins from the leg.

The procedure in total took around 45 minutes and was all performed under local anaesthetic.

At the Leeds Private Clinic. All staff were warm and friendly which put me at ease. They kept me well informed during the procedure and looked after, my nurse Helen was very thorough. The process was very efficient and professional.

Varicose Vein procedure recovery

Following the varicose vein procedure, Jo was advised to rest and take it easy for a couple of days but otherwise to return to everyday tasks as usual. It was important that exercise and running were avoided for 3-4 weeks.

My recovery was swift and with only minimal discomfort easily managed with over-the-counter painkillers.”

Varicose vein procedure results

Jo returned to the Leeds clinic 7 weeks following her varicose vein procedure and was already amazed with her results. She noted that her friends and family were impressed by the minimal bruising and scarring after surgery.

Varicose Veins Leg procedure before and after photos

“I am already in less discomfort after only 7 weeks, and I know I will have the confidence to wear shorter clothing next summer as a result. If you are thinking about getting varicose vein treatment I would say, go for it! and I highly recommend the team at The Private Clinic.”