A Fresh Face Without Surgery
Daily Mail
Is it good bye to nip and tuck? Today more of us are turning to gentler new ways to get a younger look, with incredible results.
Fresh, smooth, glowing skin – it’s on every woman’s wish list. And those in the know are finding clever new ways to achieve a brighter. more youthful look, without the kind of bashing and bruising so often associated with a face-lift.
Face-lifts are reportedly falling out of favour even in the U.S, and off the list of the top five requested treatments.
Instead, we’re increasingly seeking out gentler, non-invasive and less expensive treatments which, while perhaps not as dramatic or permanent in their results, can still help us to present a fresh, radiant new face to the world.
Take Roisin McGovern, who has made use of the latest incredible developments in cosmetic technology to peel away the years and greatly improve the appearance of her skin.
Roisin, 56, says: ‘I’m a very positive, lively person. But while I felt young inside, my skin was letting me down.
‘I used to live in a hot climate, so had quite a lot of sun damage on my face, chest and hands, where there were freckles and sun spots. And my skin was looking dehydrated with little wrinkles and veins that gave away my age.’
Roisin considered a face-lift and even went to see a surgeon. ‘But the cost and thought of a knife cutting into my face become truly scary. I realised I wanted a more natural look – achieved in a non-invasive way.’
So she went instead for a series of new generation laser and filler treatments, that could be done in her lunch hour at The Private Clinic and involved neither downtime, trauma nor exorbitant cost.
Roisin started with a course of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) on her face, chest and hands. ‘This targeted thread veins and noticeably improved the appearance, texture and condition of my skin. It also reduced pigmentation blemishes caused by the sun and by ageing.’ While a few sessions of one type of treatment can often be enough to produce significant results, Roisin decided to try more – including N-Lite laser treatment.
N-Lite is used to stimulate and revitalise the skin and to improve the appearance of lines and wrinkles, acne scars, blemishes and thread veins.
‘It made the texture of my skin appear much smoother and more toned, an effect that should last for around two years.’
With her skin now glowing radiantly, Roisin then opted to tackle the worst of any remaining tell-tale wrinkles and sagging, with injections of the fillers Restylane and Sculptra.
These work to plump the skin, making it look and feel fresher and softening deep facial lines.
Similar treatments were used to improve the appearance of the skin of Roisin’s chest and hands too – problem areas that had also been exposed to the sun.
Roisin says:’Afterwards I noticed an amazing difference. Before I’d felt that I always appeared tired and was looking my age. But now I look much more youthful and am very proud of how I can present myself at 56. It has made me look bright and alive again.’
The treatments, carried out at The Private Clinic by skilled specialists in dermatology, were virtually painless and Roisin could put on make-up and go straight back to work afterwards.
Most courses cost just hundreds of pounds, rather than the may thousands that a face-lift can involve. And top-ups to treatments can be given as required, making it a gradual, more affordable way to improve your look.
Treatment programmes are individually tailored, following a free consultation at The Private Clinic in either London or Manchester. And you can arrange for as much or as little treatment as you want, starting with whatever is concerning you most.
Roisin adds:’I’m not afraid to grow old. But like most of us I want to do so gracefully and be the best me that I can be at my age – a super me. And now my face reflects the person I am inside.’