A quick nip and tuck
Calibre Magazine
Calibre Magazine, 7th April,2017
Cosmetic procedures are no longer the preserve of the fairer sex, says Josh Stephenson
While still being mainly the preserve of women, there is little doubt that men have embraced cosmetic procedures over the past ten years.
“They can be quite nervous about fillers and toxins because they are some people who look over-injected and you can think, ‘oh god what happened to them’ – it doesn’t look natural anymore.”
This is a view shared by the surgeons of The Private Clinic of Harley Street (theprivateclinic.co.uk), who believe patients are reaping the benefits of the advances in cosmetic surgery: “With a growing number of non-invasive and minimally invasive treatments available, many procedures require no, or very little, downtime and leave no visible scarring or obvious signs of having had surgery. This has been made the process easier for patients to fit in to their normal lives and means that often patients need not disclose to friends, colleagues or even family that they have had a cosmetic procedure.”
If there is one procedure that has gained increased attention in the recent years, is that of the hair transplant. While in the past a hair transplant was likely to leave you looking like a second-rate Donald Trump, in these days the results are subtler and the procedure can even be permanent. “This procedure involves removing healthy hair follicles from an area of the patient’s scalp where hair is plentiful (often the back of the head) and grafting them onto bald or thinning areas.” explains The Private Clinic. “The results are permanent in as much as the hairs transplanted will stay forever, but patients need to be aware that, depending on their age and the stage of hair loss they are in, they may continue to suffer hair loss from the surrounding areas”