Cream Promises a Facelift without Plastic Surgery
Daily Mail
A NATURAL facelift treatment that can last up to four years has been developed. It is injected into the cheeks to plump up facial features that sag and hollow with age.
Until Sculptra was launched, the most effective treatment for sagging cheeks was injections
of fat under a general anaesthetic.
But this facelift treatment consists of three sessions,
several weeks apart, or just a few minutes each and can be carried out by a doctor or nurse.
Sculptra is made up of Poly-L-Lactic acid, a by-product of muscles when exercising.
In its synthetic from it produces clumps of tiny spheres that fill skin and make it look
chubby. Sculptra is the first facelift treatment to stimulate the production of collagen
in the body.
Dr Geoff Ferris, a surgeon at the Sarum Road Hospital in Winchester, Hampshire, has been
using Sculptra as a facelift treatment for about 15 months. He says; “The beauty of this
treatment is that it has some medical research behind it and it lasts a sufficient length
of time.’
Source: – 3rd October 2006