Forget booze, no exercise and fatty food – could cellulite really be be down to childhood trauma and repressed creativity?
Mail Online
Dreading getting into your bikini this summer because of your lumpy legs? You’re not alone. Eighty per cent of women suffer from cellulite – including svelte stars such as Kim Kardashian and Sienna Miller.
Dr Wolf, Joint Medical Director at The Private Clinic of Harley Street, said: ‘There are a number of factors which can contribute to the development of cellulite.
‘Until more research is carried out, women should continue to focus on healthy diet, weight maintenance and regular exercise regime, and try not to fluctuate any of these factors too much and keep them consistent’
‘These do include weight gain and obesity but that is not to say that all women who are overweight will suffer with cellulite.
‘The broad categories of causes are: hormonal, genetic, environmental and lifestyle. Some of these we can obviously change, but others not.
‘Poor nutrition or crash dieting can contribute to cellulite on the thighs, buttocks and even the stomach. Smoking has also been found to contribute, while not drinking enough water or maintaining a diet that is too high in salt can also lead to its formation.
‘But while stress (particularly when coupled with an irregular, unhealthy diet and lack of exercise) can be a genuine cause of cellulite, there has not been enough research to support the notion that low levels of creativity, or any kind of emotional strain, can be to blame.