How To Fix Thinning Hair


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The Private Clinic joins a team of top hair experts to comment on how to fix thinning hair for SL.Man


If your hair isn’t quite as thick as it used to be, you’re not alone. By the age of 60, two-thirds of men will experience male pattern baldness. The Private Clinic, confirms it’s more unusual for men not to experience some form of hair loss. “Most men will start to notice their hair thinning – either the thickness of the strands themselves or a receding hairline – in their 20s,” they say. “The most common pattern of male hair loss begins at the temples, the front of the scalp above the forehead, and at the crown.” 


Your Hair Is A Reflection Of Your Health

The experts discussed how lifestyle factors can impact the rate of hair loss. Factors such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol are linked to early hair loss. Excessive alcohol consumption dehydrates the body, which makes the hair dry, brittle and more prone to breakage.

 Stress also plays a part, says The Private Clinic. “Stress raises androgen levels, which has been linked to hair loss.”

Diet & Supplements Can Help

If you are in the early stages of hair loss, it’s worth cleaning up your diet and taking the right supplements to support hair follicles at a deeper level – especially if you are vegan, vegetarian or don’t eat as well as you should. “Research shows a lack of vitamin D can lead to hair loss, and when there isn’t enough vitamin D in your system, such as during the winter months, new hair growth can be stunted,” says The Private Clinic

The other experts also recommended zinc, iron, selenium and biotin as well as collagen to provide the vitamins and minerals needed for a healthy hair cycle.


Patience Is Key

For tangible results, experts agree medication is a sensible first step. Your GP can prescribe you a course of finasteride, a prescription-only medication which blocks the production of DHT and is proven to be one of the most effective forms of hair loss treatment. “Traditionally, finasteride was taken in oral form, but it now tends to be prescribed in liquid form and applied directly to the scalp,” adds The Private Clinic. “Finasteride has been shown to be clinically effective in 90% of men with male pattern baldness and around two-thirds of men who take it will experience regrowth. A course of two to three months is recommended, but you may not see results until six months.”

The Private Clinic also recommends minoxidil, an over-the-counter topical solution that can be found in products such as Regaine. But don’t expect miracles overnight, don’t be seduced by empty promises, and if a product or medication sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

The experts then went on to provide their do and dont’s for hair-thinning advice

Do – Think About The Psychological Aspect

“Non-surgical treatments – like laser and non-surgical hair loss treatment – can help improve hair thickness, whereas hair transplants can dramatically improve areas of severe loss. Whilst the results of these treatments are usually considered to be purely aesthetic, they also have a huge impact on a person’s self-confidence, and therefore have a significant positive psychological impact too.” – The Private Clinic

Don’t – Expect A Lengthy Procedure

Hair restoration surgery has come on dramatically, becoming more popular and successful as a result. It involves minimal discomfort and, once the local anaesthetic has been administered, it is generally pain-free. The procedures we perform at The Private Clinic are usually performed in one day and you can go home straight afterwards.” 

Read the full article here.

Hair Thinning Options at The Private Clinic

We offer a range of hair thinning solutions at our clinics including:

To find out more about hair loss procedures at The Private Clinic, please contact 0333 920 2471 or you can use our online contact form to request a call back.