How to improve the appearance of varicose veins

How to improve the appearance of varicose veins


How to improve the appearance of varicose veins

How to improve the appearance of varicose veins

The Times

Experienced Beauty Editor, Jennifer George delves into the world of varicose veins and the high-tech tweakments that can improve the appearance of them. She explains how EVLA (Endovenous Laser Ablation) and IPL treatments are the best for doing just that.

How do you get varicose veins?

“Pretty much anyone can get them – even if you’ve never crossed your legs in your life. Genetics, pregnancy or weight gain can make veins twist and swell, so that they emerge as lumpy worms, mainly on the lower legs.”

How do you treat varicose veins?

“In the past the only way to get rid of them was an invasive surgery rather terrifyingly called vein stripping – which required general anaesthetic and up to four weeks of recovery.” But thankfully treatments have advanced, and most varicose vein removal cases can be treated with the laser procedure called EVLA (Endovenous Laser Ablation).

What is EVLA (endovenous laser ablation)?

EVLA “involves inserting a tiny laser into the vein (under local anaesthetic), which fires heat into the vein and is slowly pulled out, shrinking and sealing the vein as it goes.” This procedure “is the preferred technique of Constantinos Kyriakides, a consultant vascular surgeon at The Private Clinic on Harley Street in London, because it takes only 30 minutes, is viable for most patients and the results are immediate. “Plus, it leaves very low risk of recurrence,” he says.”

Constantinos Kyriakides say the results can be seen in six weeks “when any minor bruising has cleared” and that best of all, “once the veins have been put out of service in this way, other deeper veins will take over the blood circulation in the area.”

What are thread veins?

Compared to varicose veins, thread veins are considered a more subtle yet still stubborn concern. They are “a series of burst capillaries that show up like scarlet spider webs on the skin, and can end up looking like a bruise.” If you spot thread veins early, these can be treated.

Jennifer explains that an Elite laser “targets the capillaries, cauterising them and turning them into jelly. It’s not painful – the sensation is like little flicks on the skin – and each area takes about 30 minutes. The result is usually extremely effective and the veins shrink away almost immediately, although to achieve a completely clear surface you’ll need between three and five sessions, and a few weeks for the body to heal.”

How do you treat veins on the face?

It’s a known fact that the skin on our faces is thinner, so when it comes to dealing with veins on the face it is tricky because the capillaries are visible yet superficial. The common areas you can tend to see them are around the nose and cheeks. This can be due to simple factors such as blowing our noses, UV exposure, general ageing and aggressive skincare routines.

Not to despair, they can be treated with treatments like IPL (intense pulse light).  The intense light energy works to close damaged vein wall and simultaneously disperses and fades any pooled blood. It’s a great way to get rid of thread veins but without the invasive surgery or downtime. The extra bonus – IPL also helps to minimise skin pigmentation and sun damage.

Can The Private Clinic help me with my varicose or thread veins?

Simply put, yes, we can. The Private Clinic is the leading surgical provider offering all patients minimally invasive varicose vein treatments including EVLA, VenaSeal, Foam Sclerotherapy and Phlebectomy treatments and Cutera and IPL treatments for Thread Veins

Why trust us with your varicose vein removal? We are the UK leader in varicose vein removal and with 35 years of experience under our belt, we have performed over 7,000 vein treatments. Our practitioners are also trained experts in administering laser treatments to tackle vascular issues like thread veins. Begin your treatment today by booking a consultation by calling 0333 920 2471 or visiting our online vein treatment contact page.