Rosacea-The Treatment: IPL (Intense Pulsed Light)
Most women with Rosacea go undiagnosed for years, ‘people assume they’re allergic or have sensitive skin’. says Dr Gupta at The Private Clinic.
So what is it? Basically, it’s a red face.
Capillaries under the skin fill up with blood causing redness, spots and an uneven skin tone.
Sadly, the causes are unknown, it could be mites, a build up of bacteria or even genetics and without knowing the cause, there can be no cure.
You can, however, manage the visible signs with treatments ranging from IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) to capillary strengthening potions.
The best thing to do is strip your regime, the fewer ingredients the better.
IPL Intense Pulsed Light
The treatment
This is about as close as I have come to finding a cure.
A cool gel is applied to the skin them the IPL is shot through a crystal to collapse capillaries without damaging any of the surrounding tissue.
After one treatment I looked much better, and after two treatments my skin looked better than it had been done for a long time.
Plus, there are still four more treatments in the course to go – so I’m more hopeful.
A top up once or twice a year is also advised.
It’s so good I’m already saving for the rest!
Source: Elle – June 2009