Tatler’s Investigations: Mother’s Little Helpers
Tatler’s Beauty & Cosmetic Surgery Guide 2024 has been released and we are thrilled to have been mentioned for our exclusive keyhole bunion procedure.
In an investigations editorial named ‘Core Principles’ journalist Francesca Ogiermann-White looked into key treatments for women following childbirth.
“I always knew that having a baby would change my body. It’s inescapable. And I was ready when my silhouette started to morph and blue, my skin became speckled with pigment and my ankles slowly disappeared, devoid of all definition.”
She went on to discuss how she went to visit a chiropractor a year later who pointed out the bunions in her feet.
“Even my feet have not escaped, he points out, swiftly identifying bunions starting to form and explaining that they’re a side effect of weakening arches, combined with not placing enough weight on my feels (and possibly exacerbated by the platform Superga plimsolls in which I have turned up in).”
Bunions & Pregnancy
Whilst there is no scientific evidence that pregnancy is a direct cause of bunions, it can increase your chances of developing bunions due to weight gain and hormones.
The rapid weight gain that occurs in pregnancy can result in pressure and overloading at the front of the foot. This can make your foot arches unstable causing them to collapse over time which results in the metatarsal bone moving outwards.
During pregnancy and in the lead-up to childbirth, you release a hormone called relaxin. This relaxes the ligaments within the pelvis whilst also softening and widening the cervix. The hormone can also affect the connective tissues of the feet causing them to stretch and move more. if there is any existing misalignment in your feet then this can become worse and result in a bunion forming, or an existing bunion becoming larger.
Many women find that after having their child, their symptoms lessen and they are often more receptive to treatments that work to correct the alignment of connective tissues.
However, once the bunion has formed, it can be tricky to treat and will often require surgery for longer-lasting results.
Bunion Treatment
Typically, bunion surgery involves a hospital stay and lengthy downtimes but at The Private Clinic, our exclusive keyhole bunion procedure uses no metal fixtures and patients can walk un-aided out of the hospital on the same day.
With a 98% success rate, our Orthopaedic Consultant Surgeon uses a revolutionary technique that does not require the fracture of the foot to be immobilised/rested to heal. The surgeon will use surgical dental burrs to correct the deformity and modify the bones of the foot.
The bones are left to heal in a more natural position which results in better comfort and functionality post-procedure.
Our exclusive bunion procedure was featured in the Mother’s Little Helpers Section as a recommended post-pregnancy treatment for anyone suffering from bunions.
Related: Private Bunion Surgery: What to expect
Mr Andrea Bianchi
Orthopaedic surgeon, Mr Bianchi has pioneered a clever keyhole technique, which uses a tiny surgical dental bur to banish unsightly bunions with minimal pain and in record time: four minutes per foot to be precise. He treats one foot at time so that you can hop off the operating table, take an hour’s rest, don supportive shoes and saunter straight out of the door. After six weeks or less in the supportive footwear, straighter, better-aligned extremities await.
Why choose The Private Clinic for Bunion Removal Surgery?
If bunions are causing you discomfort and pain, then our minimally invasive keyhole bunion removal surgery is likely to be the ideal treatment for you. Performed as a daycare procedure with minimal downtime it is a great procedure for busy patients who don’t want the downtime from traditional bunion surgery. You will be able to walk immediately following the procedure, with no need for crutches.
- Exclusive to The Private Clinic in the UK, there is no other operation like this one.
- Bunion Removal Surgery is performed under local anaesthesia using keyhole techniques.
- This is the only natural operation with no metal fixtures such as wires or screws being used.
- There is a 98% success rate following the bunion operation.
- Mr Bianchi, an expert in his field has been carrying out bunion operations for 15 years.
- Mr Bianchi carries out on average 1,200 bunion operations a year.
- You will be able to bear weight on your foot quickly after surgery.
- No need for an overnight stay
- Minimal post-operative pain and aftercare.
- Treatment carried out in our state-of-the-art London Fitzroy hospital
- 24-hour patient helpline direct to your nursing team and surgeon, which means should you have any concerns we are here to help.
- Dedicated post-operative care and appointments with your surgeon and nursing team. We are here to give you the best experience.
- Our minimally-invasive bunion removal treatment has been recognised in Tatler’s 2024 Beauty & Cosmetic Surgery Guide.
- Our excellent reputation for patient safety and satisfaction, honest advice and outstanding care means your journey with The Private Clinic will be an exciting experience to a newfound confidence.
- View our bunion before and after photos.
- Watch our bunion treatment and testimonial videos.
- Read our extensive bunion FAQs
Get in touch
To find out more about our bunion procedure at The Private Clinic, please contact 0333 920 2471 or you can use our online contact form to request a callback.