news the big uncover up the private clinic

The Big Uncover Up


Psychologies Magazine

There is a comfort to be found in woollen tights, a thick heavy coat and a jumper dress – to feel warm, enveloped, protected as the wind howls and rain pours. But an out-of-sight body can easily fall out of mind, too – how many of us have let the care of our bodies slide in the winter, only to come into spring midly panicked by what lies beneath the layers? I say this as someone who very happily skips depilation in favour of more time in bed in the morning (knowing I’ll be wearing opaque tights anyway), and drops down from a weekly exfoliation in summer to a half-hearted monthy scrub in winter (if I’m good).

Depilation may be at the very bottom of your winter to-do list, but if you are thinking of investing in laser hair removal, or IPL, then it’s far more sensible to undergo a treatment during the winter months when UV levels are far lower, and as a result there’s less risk of laser-treated skin reacting badly to sunlight (which can cause pigmentation).

Just six to eight Pro Laser treatments (which use a built-in cooling device to minimise discomfort) will also result in permanent hair removal. Last year, we sent our Psychologies tester to The Private Clinic (nationwide, and 12 months on, hair growth has not returned. Single sessions start from £70, but once the course is completed, no more depilation is necessary.