The bride-to-be who almost refused to walk down the aisle because her acne was so bad
The Daily Mail
- Nursery teacher Gaby Lassman suffered an outbreak of severe acne
- Gaby had laser treatment to kill skin bacteria and boost healing
- Five months later her skin was clear – just in time for her big day
A woman experienced every bride-to-be’s worst nightmare when, just five months before her wedding day, she experienced an outbreak of severe acne.
Gaby Lassman, a 27-year-old nursery teacher from Stanmore, London, felt that the blemishes, which appeared on her chin and jaw, were ‘unsightly’.
As a result of the flare up, the bride-to-be was left wondering whether she would have the confidence to walk down the aisle on her big day.
She said: ‘I had never suffered from anything as severe as acne before so it came as a complete surprise. I was absolutely devastated and so worried when it suddenly appeared – especially so close to my wedding day.’
The inflamed red spots also caused Gaby a lot of pain and irritation, but the more she scratched, the worse they looked.
A few months before her wedding, Gaby started undergoing make-up trials. She soon discovered that covering up the spots was virtually impossible – even with layers of foundation and concealer.
She added: ‘I was getting married abroad in Israel, which is obviously a hot country so I didn’t want to have masses of make-up on.
‘You’re meant to look at your best on your wedding day and the last thing I wanted was to have spots visible on my face.’
Gaby went to her local GP, who prescribed her with antibiotics and recommended further medication to treat the inflammation. However the bride-to-be says she wasn’t keen on the idea of taking pills.
A family member recommended she try a non-invasive laser acne treatment called N-Lite instead and Gaby booked herself in for a consultation at The Private Clinic of Harley Street.
NLite emits a unique medical laser light, SmartPulse, from a hand piece held close to the skin.
The SmartPulse light kills and reduces the bacteria which causes infection and stimulates the skin’s natural repair mechanism, helping to boost collagen. The treatment, which starts from £250, takes approximately 30 minutes.
After undergoing five sessions, Gaby’s acne had improved dramatically. She went on to marry her husband, Joel, who works as an IT consultant.
Speaking after the treatment, she said: ‘I was really impressed with how quickly the treatment cleared up the acne.
‘I was clearly on a tight time scale with my wedding coming up and the treatment meant that my skin was clear in time for my special day.
‘I felt confident and more comfortable in myself when I walked down the aisle. My wedding make-up went on better and it just made such a difference.
‘I didn’t have to worry about hiding my spots and putting on layers of make-up; I just didn’t have to worry about it.
‘If I hadn’t had the treatment, I don’t know what I would have done. I would have been so nervous about how the photos had turned out and I think I probably would have tried to cover up my face somehow and maybe worn my hair down to try and hide all the spots.
‘My friends and family were just so impressed with how I looked – they couldn’t believe it. They were really complimentary. Joel says it’s made such a big difference and said I looked amazing.’
Contrary to popular belief, acne is a skin condition which is most common among adults and it can be caused by a variety of factors.
Dr Noor Almaani, Consultant Dermatologist at the Private Clinic of Harley Street, explained: ‘Acne is extremely common and is a result of various factors that lead to increased sebum (oil) production, blockage of the hair follicle, bacterial growth and inflammation. If untreated, it may lead to pigmentation and scarring.
‘To help manage the condition, it is best to avoid humid environments and occlusion; to stop smoking and to eat a healthy diet – avoiding increased sugar, protein or carbohydrates.
‘It is also advised to use oil-free cosmetics and benzoyl peroxide containing products.
‘The N-Lite treatment, which Gaby underwent, is a method commonly used to treat acne and is suitable for all skin types.’
What are the different triggers for adult acne?
Acne is extremely common and is a result of various factors that lead to increased sebum (oil) production, blockage of the hair follicle, bacterial growth and inflammation. If untreated, this might lead to pigmentation and scarring.
Factors which can cause it:
• Genetic factors
• Hormones: puberty, pre-menstrual, polycystic ovarian syndrome
• Smoking
• Diet high in protein, sugar and carbohydrates
• Medications such as steroids and vitamin b12
• Environment: humidity
• Psychological stress
• Topical preparations that are too thick, occlusive or oil-rich
What are the different types of acne?
There are various forms of acne, the typical being acne vulgaris with papules (small red spots), pustules (yellow spots) as well as closed and open comedones (white and black heads).
Others include:
• Nodulocystic acne with larger and deeper painful lumps
• Comedonal acne that is formed mostly of the non- inflamed comedones
• Acne fulminans – a sudden onset of severe and very inflammatory acne
• Acne medicamentosa which is due to medicine
• Acne conglobata with formation of interconnecting abscesses
How can acne be treated?
Treatment will largely depend on the severity of the acne. A skin care regimen will need to be adopted for at least three months to assess efficacy. To help manage the condition it is best to avoid humid environments and occlusion; to stop smoking and to eat a healthy diet – avoiding increased sugar, protein or carbohydrates. It is also advised to use oil-free cosmetics and benzoyl peroxide containing products.
Topical acid treatments can also be used such as Azeleic acid and mild salisylic acid as well as topical and oral antibiotics. Another treatment method commonly used is a non-invasive laser acne treatment known as N-Lite which is suitable for all skin types.