Thought worrying about your face wrinkles was bad enough?
With a beauty industry saturated with lotions and potions promising to turn back the clock, treating fine lines and pigmentation on our face is already enough of a minefield.
If the daily cleanse, tone and moisturise routine is already too much for you (and that’s before you’ve even considered serums, toners and oils), it’s about to get a lot more complicated.
New ranges of creams and serums targeted at beating hand wrinkles are starting to hit shelves so that beauty buffs can give their mitts the same attention as their faces.
But why do we need more products to add to our already lengthy beauty regime?
Here’s why: As the years pass, skin on the hands thins, causing veins to become more prominent and liver spots to appear.
Cosmetic surgery clinics have reported an 18 per cent increase in enquiries about anti-ageing procedures on their hands – proving how much of a concern it’s becoming.
The new cosmetic surgery trend, which sees women having dermal fillers and laser resurfacing to reduce the signs of ageing, has been dubbed the banishing of ‘Madonna Mitts’ after pop star Madonna, 55, who has ‘anti-aged’ almost every part of her body but often resorts to fingerless gloves to cover her hands.
Dr Dennis Wolf, Joint Medical Director and fat transfer specialist at The Private Clinic of Harley Street, said: ‘It is common for women, as they grow older, to lose weight in their hands, which means that veins and wrinkles can become more evident. Prolonged exposure to the sun will also speed up the ageing process.
‘And while treatments like laser resurfacing to target the signs of ageing, or traditional fillers to make the hands appear fuller and healthier, can offer effective results, these can really only ever offer a temporary solution.
‘A more long terms solution is fat transfer – a technique which is fast becoming one of the most popular for hand rejuvenation purposes. The procedure uses advanced technology to produce a pure and effective fat graft, which means that fat can safely be taken from one area of the patient’s body, such as their thighs or stomach, and injected into the hands.
‘The fact that the procedure is minimally invasive is also an important factor. Many patients have careers which do not allow for them to be away from work for long periods of time. Fat transfer is a walk-in, walk-out procedure and one which is performed under local anaesthetic, so patients can undergo treatment without too much disruption to their lives.
‘Over time I expect to see procedures such as this continue to grow in popularity, as women decide to invest further in different aspects of their appearance, later into life.’