
Revalidation at The Private Clinic

The Private Clinic uses a specialist revalidation company, Fitness 2 Practise, to oversee the revalidation of our doctors.

All licensed doctors are required to go through the revalidation process on a regular basis to demonstrate that they are fit to practise in their chosen field. The process ensures doctors have the most up to date medical knowledge and offer a good level of care to their patients. Having passed the revalidation process, patients can be confident that their doctor continues to meet the professional standards set by the General Medical Council (GMC) and the specialist standards set by the Royal Colleges.

Revalidation of doctors usually takes place every five years and involves an annual appraisal based on the core guidance for doctors, Good medical practice.

The Private Clinic is a Designated Body for the purpose of Revalidation and is required to support Medical Practitioners who have a Prescribed Connection. Each doctor can only have one prescribed connection to a designated body and RO. In the majority of circumstances, the prescribed connection is where you do most of your clinical work. If you are employed by an NHS organisation but work for another organisation for contracted sessions (e.g. hospice, independent hospital), your prescribed link will be to the NHS organisation and their RO, regardless of how much of your time is spent outside of the NHS. 

To identify your designated body and RO, you need to set up a GMC online account. 

The GMC website has a full list of designated bodies.  You can also find your designated body by using the GMC’s online tool.

Useful Information about Appraisal and Revalidation

This webpage contains useful guidance and support for revalidation and appraisal and includes helpful links about the systems that The Private Clinic has in place to support their Medical Practitioners with a Prescribed Connection.

Dr Rubin Minhas is Responsible Officer for The Private Clinic.

If you have a question about appraisal or revalidation please contact or telephone the helpline on 020 3727 7295

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General Medical Council Guidance for Appraisal and Revalidation

Examples of Appraisal portfolios

Example appraisal portfolios – commentary

Frequently Asked Questions