Quality & Safety Measures and Outcomes

At The Private Clinic of Harley Street, we monitor systems and processes to provide assurance of patient safety and quality of care across the organisation. By measuring patient outcomes, experience and satisfaction and analysing clinical data we can foster quality improvements and share findings and results with our patients, in an open and transparent way.

Please see below our measures and performance data for 2022.

Patient Feedback

Patient feedback is hugely important to us. It allows us to celebrate what we are doing well, share learning, replicate successful initiatives where appropriate and make improvements where you think we could do better.

Every patient departing any of our clinics is asked how likely they are to recommend us to their friends and family.

Feedback from patients about our Services (January 2022 – December 2022)

  • 100% of our patients said they are very likely or likely to recommend us to friends and family.
  • 100% of patients providing feedback said that their overall experience was very good or good.
  •  98% of patients felt our facilities and staff definitely met their needs.
  • 99% of patients felt their consultant showed an understanding of their needs for treatment and that their consultant explained everything in a way that was easy to understand.
  • 99% of patients felt they had sufficient time with their consultant during their day case procedure.
  • 99% of patients felt confident their surgeon would deliver the appropriate care for them.

Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMS) in 2023

In 2023 we aim to increase the number of patients completing both their Pre and Post-Operative (PROM) surveys in order to gain valuable data to help us consistently improve our services.

Published Data: The Private Healthcare Information Network (PHIN)

We regularly provide performance and outcome data to the Private Healthcare Information Network (PHIN). This is an independent, government-mandated organisation that publishes performance and fee information.

To view published records regarding our hospital facility please visit: https://www.phin.org.uk/profiles/hospitals/the-private-clinic-of-harley-street-59913

Formal Complaints

As a member of ISCAS (Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Service) The Private Clinic of Harley Street Complaints procedure reflects their three-stage complaint process.  

You can view our Complaints procedure here.

A full copy of the ISCAS code of practice can be found at www.iscas.org.uk

In 2022, less than 1% of surgical patients raised formal complaints post-operatively. Complaints related to the delivery of care, customer service and surgical outcome.


Over the last year, we have worked with our Clinic Managers and Department leads to recognise informal complaints so that concerns can be addressed as they arise and resolved immediately to our patient’s satisfaction. This has had a positive effect as we have seen a reduction in the total number of complaints requiring formal investigation in the first half of 2023.

Clinical Performance Measures

The below measures show our performance in 2022 within Cosmetic Surgery, Vascular Surgery & Orthopaedic, Bunion and Proctology Surgery.

Never Events

Never Events are serious incidents that are largely preventable because guidance or safety recommendations providing strong systemic protective barriers are available at a national level and should have been implemented by all healthcare providers. Never Events have the potential to cause serious patient harm or death. Should a Never event occur, it would require robust investigation and action to avoid repeats.

In 2022 The Private Clinic of Harley Street had 0 Never Events requiring a report to our governing body, the Care Quality Commission.

Clinical Incidents

A clinical incident is defined as any unintended or unexpected event that could have or did, lead to harm for one or more people receiving healthcare.

As part of our Incident Monitoring Framework, we closely monitor specific incidents relating to DVT/PE, Surgical site infection and requirements for corrective surgeries.

1. Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Pulmonary Embolism (PE)

At The Private Clinic of Harley Street, all patients are Risk Assessed for venous thromboembolism (VTE) during the pre-operative period. Our aim is that we have no more than 3 incidences of DVT post-operatively per annum.

In 2022 we had 1 confirmed case DVT following Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA) for the treatment of varicose veins, with the patient making a full recovery. This represented an occurrence rate of 0.06%.

2. Surgical site Infections (SSI’s)

In 2022 less than 1% of patients experienced a surgical sites infection. The majority of these infections were graded as superficial and cleared within 7-10 days of onset.

3. Corrective Revision Surgery

In 2022 our surgical revision rate was less than 3%.


This page was updated on: 09/08/2023.

Next update due: 31/01/2024.