Staff Stories: Sahera
Introduce yourself:
My name is Sahera and I am a Clinical Lead at The Private Clinic in Birmingham.
Tell us about your background:
I am a senior adult nurse who specialised in A&E and general surgery for many years. I love being a nurse as I get to interact, care and learn every day.
How long have your worked for The Private Clinic?
I have worked here just over a year.
What does your role entail?
The role is constant from having to manage theatre diaries to ensuring safety is maintained at all times during procedures, conducting pre and post operative assessments and complying with CQC regulations. To ensure all standards are met and updates are cascading through the entire team for effective flow of patients. The biggest responsibility is to ensure the best care is provided at all times.
What do you enjoy about working for The Private Clinic?
The best thing about working for The Private Clinic is that there is always something new to explore and the entire group at The Private Clinic are so loving, connected and believe in encouragement and development.