Handy Plasma Non-Surgical Eyelift FAQs
Please see our frequently asked questions for Non-Surgical Eyelift Treatment.
Frequently Asked Questions
Blepharoplasty surgery is really effective at correcting the appearance of loose eyelid skin, eye bags and puffy eyelids in moderate to severe cases. Often classed as the gold standard treatment it is highly recommended for patients who want impressive results that will last for years to come after a few weeks of downtime.
Nano Plasma non-surgical eyelift is a soft surgical treatment that is a new way of tightening loose skin. It is an impressive alternative to surgery allowing for a more gentle correction of mild to moderate loose skin. There is minimal downtime and no scarring but some patients may require 2 to 3 sessions.
Which treatment is better would depend on the results you expect to achieve, the amount of time you wish to spend on having the treatment and how much downtime you can afford.
If you have mild to moderate skin sagging then you will most likely be suitable for plasma treatment. If your eye bags or eyelid sagging is more severe then you may instead be recommended to try blepharoplasty surgery instead.
Nano Plasma non-surgical eyelift treatment is only suitable for patients are Fitzpatrick Scale 1-3 due to risk of hyperpigmentation.
You will be required to have a consultation ahead of your treatment where you will be fully assessed to qualify that you are in good health with no pre-existing health conditions. If you are unwell or are displaying signs of a cold/flu on the day of the procedure you may be rescheduled.
Other contradictions include;
Patients with inflamed skin
Patients who are prone to keloid scarring
Patients who have diabetes or any other healing disorders or lymphatic draining issues
Patients with sunburn
Patients with a history of hyperpigmentation
Patients who have current cold sores or history of the cold sore virus
Patients who have a Pacemaker
Patients who are pregnant or breastfeeding
Patients with HIV or Auto-Immune Disorders
Patients who have, or have had Cancer
Most patients will see results instantly after they have had Nano Plasma non-surgical eyelift treatment. You will have a period of recovery and then your final results will gradually improve during the weeks following surgery. We usually say best results are seen after 3 weeks.
rices for Nano Plasma non-surgical eyelift prices start from;
First Treatment – £850
Second Treatment – £450
Third Treatment – £250
The majority of patients will only need 1 treatment and will see great results from this. At your consultation, we will assess the degree of eyelid hooding and be able to suggest how many treatments you would need.
Consultations with our expert doctors are £50 however this cost can be redeemable against the price of treatment should you wish to book following your consultation.
Click here to book a consultation to find out more.
Nano Plasma non-surgical eyelift clinic treatment is currently only available in;
London – 98 Harley street, W1G7HZ
To find out more about booking a consultation contact us here.
Plasma is considered to be a fourth state of matter alongside solid, liquid and gas. It is created when gases in the air are ionised with the assistance of a specialised device which creates a small electrical arc to treat the problem areas without spreading any heat to surrounding areas of the skin.
As the specialised device is activated, it ionises gas particles in the air that are located between the tip of the device and your skin. This creates plasma which will then touch the surface of the skin causing the skin tissue to go from solid to gas which is known as sublimation. This causes an instant contraction and tightening of the skin fibres resulting in skin that is lifted, remodelled and rejuvenated.
Nano Plasma non-surgical eyelift can be uncomfortable which is why we allow time for patients to have local anaesthetic cream applied to the areas being treated for an hour ahead of treatment. Patients may feel heat and a small amount of discomfort due to the delicate area being treated. After the treatment, the skin will be sensitive and a little sore but painkillers will be able to resolve any discomfort.
We advise that patients do not apply make-up to the areas treated, wear contact lenses or fake eyelashes to their appointment. It is also best if you don’t have excessive sun exposure in the weeks leading up to your procedure as this could put you at risk of developing pigmentation. You will have a consultation ahead of your Nano Plasma non-surgical eyelift treatment where you will be fully informed about the treatment, how to prepare, what to expect and how to care for your skin post-procedure too.
We allow 30 minutes ahead of Nano Plasma non-surgical eyelift treatment for local anaesthetic cream to be applied. The actual treatment time will depend on the number of areas being treated. Usually, we advise patients to allow 30-40 minutes.
Many patients see great results from just one Nano Plasma non-surgical eyelift treatment. We usually recommend 1-2 sessions however, this may vary from patient to patient. If extra sessions are required these would be spaced 4-6 weeks apart.
At your consultation, we will assess the degree of eyelid hooding and then advise you regarding the number of treatments required in order for you to achieve the best results.
Click here to book a free consultation to find out how many treatments you require and your own personal treatment plan.
Everyone will react different to treatments but usually, straight after the treatment you will notice black or brown combustion points in the treated area which is known as the carbon crust. This will take 4-10 days to fully disappear and you must take care not too scratch, rub or pick the area treated to avoid risk of pigmentation to the area.
Post treatment the eyelids may also swell temporarily which can last for 48-72 hours. You can use anti-inflammatory tablets to help reduce the swelling.
You will be given lots of information on what to expect following Nano Plasma non-surgical eyelift at your free consultation, and on the day of treatment. Our 24-hour helpline is there should you feel worried or concerned at any time and you are welcome to come back for as many free follow up appointments as required.
Nano Plasma non-surgical eyelift is more than just a skin tightening treatment as skin is actually removed from the treated areas too. This means that the results and effects of treatment should last just as long as traditional blepharoplasty surgery.
Of course, the treatment will not stop the genetic ageing process of the face but to help maintain the results from the treatment we encourage patients to avoid lifestyle factors such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and prolonged sun exposure to ensure that the results last as long as they can.
In order to maintain the results from Nano Plasma non-surgical eyelift treatment, maintenance treatments may be required anywhere from 12 months after the initial procedure.
We would recommend that patients avoid driving for at least 24 hours following Nano Plasma non-surgical eyelift treatment. If you are still experiencing swelling after this time then it would be best to make other travel arrangements until this has settled. This is to ensure the safety of both yourself and others on the road, as always it is best to check your insurance documents to make sure that you are appropriately covered after having eye treatment.
We advise patients to avoid wearing make-up over the treated area for up a week or until the carbon crust has come away from the area. The area may still be a little sensitive so it may be best to use mineral based make-up to avoid any irritation. As always, take care to only apply make-up with a clean device and to carefully remove it without excessively rubbing the treated area.
Sun protection must also be worn over the area during this time.
Full aftercare advice will be provided to you following your treatment and should you have any questions or concerns our 24-hour helpline will be available to help.
Depending on what your job role is, we advise patients 1-2 days before returning to work, however, some choose to go back sooner. The treated areas will be swollen and have the dotted scab appearance but this can be concealed with make-up.
The device we use to perform our Nano Plasma non-surgical eyelift treatment is called Plexr® which has full European CE approval. Nano Plasma non-surgical eyelift treatment should only be carried out by doctors or surgeons who have had special training.
Side effects from Nano Plasma non-surgical eyelift treatment include;
Crusting of the skin
Soreness or itching at the treatment site
Handy Plasma non-surgical eyelift
General procedure
At your consultation, you will be able to discuss the treatment in detail with your doctor. During this time a review of the risks and complications associated with Nano Plasma non-surgical eyelift treatment will also be discussed to ensure you leave feeling well-informed.